We Are Fratelli tutti

Catholic Conscience Video Series

Christian disciples journey into Pope Francis’ encyclical on fraternity and social friendship

Join us in conversation with Catholic leaders in ministry, apostolate, and public life, as we together read and explore Pope Francis’ encyclical, Fratelli tutti—on fraternity and social friendship—chapter-by-chapter through the lens of Catholic social teaching and the most pressing moral challenges of our times.

Hosted by our executive director, Brendan Steven, this series of conversations produced by Catholic Conscience goes prayerfully and deeply into the text of the encyclical—walking together through this extraordinary guide for loving and serving our neighbours in civic and political life, as offered by our Holy Father.

Catholic Conscience is Canada’s non-partisan Catholic civic and political leadership and engagement organization. Our mission is civic evangelization through Catholic social teaching: forming citizens in the full breadth of our faith’s social vision, and thereby forming our Catholic community into a diverse, influential, and gently persuasive family of voices within Canadian civil society and politics. We are deeply inspired in this lay apostolate by Fratelli tutti, and Pope Francis’s exhortation to political love. We are excited to present this series to you in celebration of this encyclical and in hopes of helping to unlock all it can offer for Catholic neighbours living generously for all Canadians, seeking to have real encounters with others, and to build real fraternity and solidarity with all.

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