Home Catholic Action


Catholics are everywhere.  Full engagement by properly-informed Catholic voters and volunteers can have a tremendous influence on any election. 

Moreover, when Catholics are properly formed and prayerfully engaged, either with the process of discerning their votes or offering their time and talents, in accordance with the full range of Catholic social teachings, they tend to become more engaged with the Church – the truth and beauty of our Church can be very comforting to those who might otherwise be in danger of wandering away.

We work directly with individuals through materials here on our website and through live forums, and collaborate with dioceses, parishes, and other groups to inform, encourage, and equip others.  

Parish & Diocesan Toolkits

We can help arrange coordinated (not scripted!) homilies, helping pastors motivate their flocks in their own words, and in the style that works best for them – their own.

We also provide voting pledges that double as prayer cards.  They’ve proven very popular with the people in your pews, and we believe they help increase attendance at the polls.

We can also provide printable summaries of our non-partisan comparisons of party platforms to the full range of Catholic social teachings, relying on the parties’ own words.   We can work with you to ensure that issues in your community are addressed, in a format that is accessible to them.  We strive to be thoroughly non-partisan and informative, in all we do.

BC Election Catholic Voters Guide ComparisonsCollaborative Voter’s Guide for Provincial Election

The voter’s guide we prepared in collaboration with the B.C. Catholic newspaper for British Columbia’s 2020 provincial election won the annual prize for “Service Journalism” from the Canadian Christian Communicators Association.

Platform Comparisons for Diocese of Saskatoon

Platform Comparisons for Diocese of Saskatoon

Prayer Card Foldable Voter’s Pledge & Prayer Card

Voter Education

The Catholic duty to participate in society includes the duty to keep oneself informed and to cast properly-discerned votes in elections.  We offer a full range of voter-education materials, including descriptions of a proper discernment process.

Catholic social teaching covers every area of politics, from human dignity to the environment to jobs and the economy… and so much more! To help Catholics learn more about Catholic social teaching, and how it relates – or ought to relate – to current issues, we prepare full summaries of each of the major party platforms, in side-by side comparisons to Church teachings.

We also offer handouts, including instructional materials such as a one-page (double-sided) documents suitable for bulletin inserts, flyers, etc.  Here is an insert/flyer on a proper Catholic voting process, suitable for distribution through parish bulletins, handouts at gatherings, etc.  Please download and print as many as desired!

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Voting like a Catholic (USA Edition)

A handy reference guide to our platform comparisons and Catholic voting processes.  As a front-and-back single sheet .pdf, it is good for distribution by groups and parishes, as well as quick reference by those reviewing the issues. For Catholics, the voting process is simply a variation of the process we should use in making all of our life decisions: if we turn to God in prayer, He will open our ears and our eyes, and through us he will cause His justice to flourish. Isaiah 35:4-7a.


Our monthly newsletters share information on our latest calls for voter and volunteer engagement, as well as new materials and happenings in the world of Civic Evangelization.  Sign up here.



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