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A Catholic Vision for Caregiving in the Age of Isolation

Our contemporary culture is marked by a paradox. On the one hand, we have more collective wealth and potential for leisure than ever, advanced technological capacity, and options for third-party caregiving from long-term care to in-home nursing. Yet, we are more isolated than ever, seem to have no free time, and many people feel uncared for, or even disposable. How can a Catholic vision of care-giving and human dignity heal this wound in our culture? How can we actualize that vision in this crucial moment for the future of dignified aging, amid strained healthcare systems, an aging population, and legalized euthanasia? You’re invited to join our webinar exploring these crucial questions, featuring:

  • Dr. Ellen Roderick, Co-Director of the Diocesan Centre for Marriage, Life and Family at the Archdiocese of Montreal
  • Dr. Charles Camosy, Associate Professor, Department of Theology at Fordham University

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