Webinar: You Have Your Mission!

An online webinar that will help you find new ways to volunteer, serve others and love your neighbours during the pandemic In a famous prayer, Saint John Henry Newman wrote, “God has created me to do some Him some definite service… I have my mission.” We all have a mission to serve and lead in our communities—including you! As Catholics we are called to love our neighbours by serving them—bringing food to the hungry, comforting the suffering, healing the sick, being the face of God’s love in the world. But COVID-19 has shut down volunteer programs, parishes, community groups, and charitable initiatives. How do we continue serving our neighbours, despite the pandemic? This webinar features Catholic and community leaders in Canada, and will offer an inside look at how Catholic community organizations are responding to the crisis; how volunteer programs are adapting to COVID-19; creative new volunteer opportunities that have emerged in response to the crisis; and most importantly, how you can find new ways to volunteer and serve others in this time of extraordinary suffering. Your neighbours need you—we’ll help you get involved!


  • Michael Fullan, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto
  • Louise Coutu, Executive Director, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Greater Toronto Central Council
  • Ilan Orzy, Public Affairs Manager, TakeCare Supply See Less
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