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The Beauty of Creation: Introductory Panel

Exploring the glory and majesty of God’s created world, as revealed through science, natural philosophy, and our Catholic faith.

An introductory panel discussion for our new webinar series on the beauty and integrity of God’s created world.

From August 2021 to February 2022, Catholic Conscience is excited to present a new monthly webinar series called The Beauty of Creation—on the glory and majesty of God’s created world, as revealed through science, natural philosophy, and our Catholic faith.

This video is an introductory panel discussion on the integrity and beauty of creation, and the opportunities and challenges of humanity’s increasing mastery over the natural world.

The conversation will feature:

Geoffrey Woollard
Graduate student at the University of British Columbia

Peter Copeland
Thinker and writer

Matthew Marquardt
Founder & President, Catholic Conscience

Brendan Steven
Executive Director, Catholic Conscience

References mentioned in the video:

Scientia et Fides article critiquing transhumanism

Reference to “Christian materialism” in a famous homily “Passionately Loving the World” by St Josemaria Escriva

Socratic Logic by Peter Kreeft

Aquinas and the Environment Symposium, Nova et Vetera, Winter 2012 (Vol. 10, No. 1)|

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