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Catholic Civics Workshop: Using money like a Catholic

Applying Catholic social teaching, principles of stewardship, and Christian virtues to the ways we use money at home, office, and community.

Featuring Professor Michael Ryall, Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, and Paul Perrone, a Chartered Financial Analyst and experienced investment industry professional.

Matthew 6:24 famously reads, “You cannot serve God and wealth.” Yet as a Catholic living 2021, there’s no avoiding money and its powerful role in our lives and the society we participate in every day. How we use money lovingly, effectively, and with Catholic social teaching in mind is crucial to how we serve God and neighbour in this life. How do we as Christian disciples use our money in Christian ways? How do we steward the money of others, in our professional workplaces or our community projects? And how can we resist a money-centric culture that often reduces our human dignity to consumption and production, while also recognizing money’s role in pursuing the common good?

Join us on Wednesday, June 30 at 7:00 PM EDT for a Catholic Civics Workshop with two Catholic experts who will help us answer these critical questions: Michael Ryall, Professor of Strategic Management at the Rotman School of Management, and Paul Perrone, a Chartered Financial Analyst and experienced investment industry professional.

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