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Faith & Reason Event – Cathonomics & Integral Ecology


Cathonomics & Integral Ecology: Treating people and the environment with inherent dignity "The main tenets of socialism, community of goods, must be utterly rejected, since it only injures those who it would seem meant to benefit, and is directly contrary

Faith & Reason Lecture Series – Faith & Profession

Newman Centre Catholic Mission 89 St George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"What does it mean to care for another person? It is one thing to provide medicine, and services by contract, but another altogether to enter into solicitude, defined as great concern for the well-being of another, involving thoughtful or hovering

Alberta Election

Alberta’s 31st general election will take place May 29, 2023. The election will offer voters an opportunity to ensure that the province is governed by practical and efficient leaders who bear the good of all in mind – including the

New Year Rosary


Ring in the New Year with us as we celebrate the World Day of Peace and launch our new global online weekly Rosary, on January 1st, 2024. The annual World Day of Peace was established in 1967 by Saint Pope Paul VI,

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