Sanctity of Life
Catholics care about the sanctity of life because the entire purpose of each soul God endows with life is to find its way back to God by loving God and caring for all the souls God has placed around it. Voluntary termination of life any time between conception and natural death necessarily frustrates that purpose.
The source of human dignity is the likeness to God that is bestowed on each of us at the moment we are conceived. We respond appropriately to this gift by using all the time, talent, and treasure that God has entrusted to us to seek and grow closer to God, by sharing in His continuing act of creation and caring for those around us. Our first purpose is to seek God, especially in one another. If we do that, everything else will be given to us. Anything that interferes with that is contrary to the Word of God. Genesis chapter 1; Matthew chapters 6, 22 & 25
Abortion & Euthanasia
“You shall not kill.”
– the 5th Commandment
The right to life from conception to natural death is the foundation of all Catholic Social Teaching, and in particular, implies the illicitness of every form of procured abortion and of euthanasia. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 155
“This is not something subject to alleged reforms or ‘modernizations.’
It is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life.”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 214
Human Engineering
Cloning and Cell Manipulation
An issue of particular social and cultural significance today, because of its many and serious moral implications, is human cloning… the simple replication of normal cells or of a portion of DNA presents no particular ethical problem. Very different, however, is cloning understood in the proper sense. Such cloning is contrary to the dignity of human procreation because it takes place in total absence of an act of personal love between spouses, being agamic and asexual reproduction. In the second place, this type of reproduction represents a form of total domination over the reproduced individual on the part of the one reproducing it…
Cloning for therapeutic use does not attenuate its moral gravity, because in order that such cells may be removed the embryo must first be created and then destroyed. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 236
Gender Identity & Election
Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity. Physical, moral and spiritual difference and complementarities are oriented towards the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 224
Men and women with homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 358
Population Growth; Birth Control; Family Planning
Judgment concerning the interval of time between births, and that regarding the number of children, belongs to the spouses alone. This is one of their inalienable rights, to be exercised before God… The intervention of public authorities must be made in a way that fully respects the freedom of the couple. All programs of economic assistance aimed at financing campaigns of sterilization and contraception are to be morally condemned as affronts to the dignity of the person and the family.
The answer to questions connected with population growth must instead by sought in simultaneous respect both of sexual morals and of social ethics, promoting greater justice and authentic solidarity so that dignity is given to life in all circumstances.
All reproductive techniques — such as the donation of sperm or ova, surrogate motherhood, heterologous artificial fertilization — that make use of the uterus of another woman or of gametes of persons other than the married couple, injuring the right of the child to be born of one father and one mother who are father and mother are ethically unacceptable both from a biological and from a legal point of view. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 234, 235
Human Trafficking
The solemn proclamation of human rights is contradicted by a painful reality of violations, including new forms of slavery such as trafficking in human beings, illegal drug trafficking, prostitution. “Even in countries with democratic forms of government, these rights are not always fully respected”. Some serious problems remain unsolved: trafficking in children, the phenomenon of “street children, and the use of children for commerce in pornographic material. – 158, 245 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 158, 245.

Sanctity of Life
Abortion & Alternatives for Mothers & Children
The party states, among its key values, that:
– it encourages respect for all life forms, and increased attention to the preservation of biodiversity
– every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion.
The party further states that:
– the extreme act of overturning Roe, which had been the law of the land for nearly half a century, eliminated a fundamental constitutional right by denying women across the nation the right to choose, and has already had devastating consequences nationwide. Over the past two years, more than 20 states have imposed extreme and dangerous abortion bans – many of which include no exception even for rape or incest – that put the health and lives of women in jeopardy, force women to travel hundreds of miles for care, and threaten to criminalize doctors for providing the health care that their patients need and that they are trained to provide.
– more than one in three women of reproductive age, and more than half of Black women and 40 percent of Latinas, now live under an abortion ban. Today, our daughters have fewer rights than their grandmothers.
– it is fighting back to restore reproductive freedom for every woman in every state, including by creating a new path for pharmacies to dispense FDA-approved medication abortion and defending access in court.
– it is expanding reproductive health care for service members, veterans, and their family members, and defending access to emergency medical care, including clarifying that federal law on emergency care pre-empts state abortion bans, educating patients on their rights, making it easier for patients who have been denied emergency care to file a complaint, and ensuring hospitals meet their legal obligations to offer care.
– it is challenging threats to prosecute people who help women travel to a different state for abortion care, and helping states expand access under Medicaid for women who travel from states with bans.
– it is safeguarding patients’ and providers’ privacy, including by strengthening HIPAA protections, cracking down on the illegal sharing of personal information, strengthening consumer data protections, and issuing guidance to protect student privacy in this area; and is ensuring access to accurate information and legal resources, including by launching ReproductiveRights.gov and convening more than 200 lawyers and advocates to support abortion-related legal defense services.
– it is committed to a society in which children can thrive physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually, and advocates ending discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in adoption and foster parenting
The party advocates:
– repeal of the Title X domestic gag rule and restored funding for Planned Parenthood
– repeal of the Hyde Amendment, and codification of the right to reproductive freedom.
– correction of discrimination and barriers that inhibit access to reproductive health services
– promoting safe access to abortion to women and girls in other countries
Assisted Suicide & Alternatives for the Stricken and for Families
The party has released no official statement concerning its policies on assisted suicide and alternatives for patients or family.
Human Engineering
Stem cell & embryo research
The party has released no official statement concerning its policies on on cloning or cell manipulation.
Gender elective surgery
The party has released no official statement concerning its policies on gender elective surgery.
Population & birth control
The party states that:
– nine in 10 women have used contraception, and it is working to expand access to birth control.
– the current administration approved the first over-the-counter daily oral contraceptive, making birth control easier than ever to access, and has built on the Affordable Care Act to make a broader range of contraceptives available to women at no cost through their health insurance.
– it has boosted access to free and low-cost services through the Title X family planning program, and expanded access to birth control for service members and through the VA.
– the Supreme Court’s elimination of the protections of Roe has also had devastating consequences for families who have suffered the heartbreak of infertility. Each year, tens of thousands of Americans start or grow their families with the help of in vitro fertilization. IVF is enormously popular, enjoying the support of the vast majority of Americans. Yet overturning Roe opened the door to laws that rip away access to this vital care – as seen when Alabama families had treatments halted earlier this year.
– it has responded to attacks on reproductive care by expanding IVF access for service members, veterans, and federal employees.- it undertakes to strengthen access to contraception so every woman who needs it is able to get and afford it, and will protect a woman’s right to access IVF.
The party advocates:
– a woman’s full right to reproductive choice
– providing $594 million (an increase of $37 million above the 2023 level) for USAID directed high-impact and lifesaving voluntary family planning and reproductive health programs and America’s voluntary contribution to the United Nations Population Fund. The Budget continues America’s commitment to contributions for the United Nations.
Human trafficking
The party advocates:
– working with partners and allies to address the causes of and eliminate human trafficking

Abortion & Alternatives for Mothers & Children
The party states that:
– women’s rights must be protected and expanded to guarantee each woman’s right as a full participant in society, free from sexual harassment, job discrimination or interference in the intensely personal choice about whether to have a child
– women’s right to control their bodies is non-negotiable. It is essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available
– the “morning-after” pill must be affordable and easily accessible without a prescription, together with a government-sponsored public relations campaign to educate women about this form of contraception
– clinics must be accessible and must offer advice on contraception and the means for contraception; consultation about abortion and the performance of abortions, and; abortion regardless of age or marital status
– contraception and abortion must be included in all health insurance policies in the U.S., and any state government must be able to legally offer these services free of charge to women at the poverty level
– public health agencies operating abroad should be allowed to offer family planning, contraception, and abortion in all countries that ask for those services. We oppose our government’s habit of cutting family planning funds when those funds go to agencies in foreign countries that give out contraceptive devices, offer advice on abortion, and perform abortions
– it encourages women and men to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is the inalienable right and duty of every woman to learn about her body and to be aware of the phases of her menstrual cycle, and it is the duty for every man to be aware of the functions and health of his and his partner’s bodies. This information is necessary for self-determination, to make informed decisions, and to prevent unintended consequences. Unplanned conception takes control away from individuals and makes them subject to external controls
Human Engineering
Population control
The party states that:
– humans have a unique responsibility for stewardship of the Earth. No species, especially on the upper end of the food chain, can have unchecked exponential growth without depleting the Earth’s carrying capacity. Human population expands at the expense of other species
– limiting the discussion to population numbers and birthrates diverts attention from over-consumption in the industrial world and historic patterns of exploitation of developing countries
– consumption-oriented lifestyles have resulted in a minority of people consuming a majority of resources. This is as significant a threat to the Earth’s carrying capacity as the high birth rates in low-consumption countries
– current global demographics demonstrate that economic wellbeing promotes low birthrates.
– documented evidence suggests that when women have control over their lives, birthrates decrease
– a major barrier to the improvement of women’s reproductive health is a lack of shared responsibility between men and women in family planning
– higher human consumption rates and populations increase the pressure on the environment in every ecological problem area. Those living in the industrialized world must end the habits of waste and over-consumption that place as much stress on the environment as does population growth in developing nations
– funds must be allocated for expanded scientific research into safer and more effective birth control techniques and devices
Genetic engineering
The party states that since the efforts to clone animals — and eventually humans—has been undertaken by profit-making corporations, the purpose behind such projects is to manufacture commodities. To classify a human (or any part thereof, including human DNA and body organs) as a commodity is to turn human beings into property
Gender Identity & Election
The party states that:
– it affirms the right of all persons to self-determination with regard to gender identity and sex
– it affirms the right of choosing non-binary and gender fluid identification, and therefore supports the right of individuals to be free from coercion and involuntary assignment of gender or sex
Human Trafficking
The party states that:
– of the millions of humans trafficked worldwide, the large majority are women and children who are bought and sold as slaves. Most are sold over and over again for forced sex prostitution. Estimates of human trafficking in the U.S. vary greatly from 18,000 to 50,000 to over 100,000 with a worldwide estimate of 12.5 million
The party advocates:
– new U.S. legislation relating to prostitution modeled on the Swedish law passed in 1999, now adopted by other countries and being considered by more, that has drastically reduced human trafficking and prostitution in Sweden, which criminalizes the purchase of services from prostitutes, pimps and brothel keepers instead of criminalizing the prostitutes
– all efforts to eradicate this extreme abuse of human rights, including but not limited to enforcement of existing laws and passage of tough new ones, punishing traffickers, aiding victims, increasing public awareness, reforming immigration laws, supporting existing programs and creating new ones
– enforcement of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (HR 3244) signed into law on October 28, 2000. This Act authorizes funding for the prevention of trade in human beings and for protecting victims
The party has published no official statement of its positions on
– assisted suicide, or alternatives for patients and families

The campaign states that:
– America is more polarized and divided now than at any time in living memory
– both sides seem to agree that the basic problem is the horrible people on the other side
– both sides are wrong. The basic problem is the division itself. A divided public lacks the strength to resist exploitation or to overcome the inertia of the status quo
– the classic American can-do spirit exhausts itself in endless battles, while powerful undemocratic forces have a death grip on the nation
– there is only one way to break that grip and restore power to the people: a broad popular movement that unites left and right, Black and White, urban and rural, young and old, and working people of all ethnicities.
– the candidate has clear positions on most of today’s divisive trigger issues like abortion, guns, and immigration, but he knows that both sides have legitimate concerns and legitimate moral positions. No one is deplorable. Furthermore, most of the disagreements obscure deeper shared values.
– everyone wants their children to be safe. No one wants more abortions, nor do they want to force women to undergo unwanted pregnancies. Everyone wants safe streets, yet few wish for millions of people to languish in prison.
The campaign advocates:
– drawing on the broad moral agreements that exist beneath our divisions. Candidate Kennedy will model careful listening, and create conditions where each group can hear the stories of the other.
– promoting national reconciliation, respectful dialog, and willingness to change, to grow, and to forgive, starting during the campaign. In Kennedy’s own words, “Every nation, like every individual, has a darker side and a lighter side. The easiest thing for a politician to do is to appeal to our greed, to our anger, to our fear, to our xenophobia, our bigotry, all of the alchemies of tribalism. I will appeal instead to our generosity as a people, our goodness, our kindness, and our courage.”
The campaign has published no further public statement concerning its policies on:
– Abortion & alternatives for Mothers & Children
– Assisted Suicide & Alternatives for the Stricken and for Families
– Human Engineering
* Stem cell & embryo research
* Gender elective surgery
* Population & birth control

The party states that:
– recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, it believes that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration
– its silence about any particular government law, regulation, ordinance, directive, edict, control, regulatory agency, activity, or machination should not be construed to imply approval
The party has published no official statement of its positions on:
– euthanasia, assisted suicide, or alternatives for patients and families
– human engineering, including stem cell & embryo research; gender identity & election

Sanctity of Life
Abortion & Alternatives for Mothers & Children
The party states that:
– it advocates protecting and defending a vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of life.
– it proudly stands for families and life
– it believes that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process, and that the States are therefore free to pass laws protecting those rights. After 51 years, because its efforts, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People.
– it will oppose late term abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments)
Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide
The party’s 2024 platform comprises no statement concerning its policies on euthanasia or assisted suicide.
Human Engineering
Stem cell & embryo research
The party’s 2024 platform comprises no statement concerning its policies on stem cell or embryo research
Gender Election & Identity
The party advocates ending gender insanity, including keep men out of women’s sports, banning taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries, and stopping taxpayer-funded schools from promoting gender transition, reversing the current administration’s radical rewrite of Title IX Education Regulations, and restoring protections for women and girls.
Population & birth control
The party’s 2024 platform comprises no statement concerning its policies on population or birth control.
Human trafficking
The party states that:
– it will strengthen ICE, increase penalties for illegal entry and overstaying visas, and reinstate “Remain in Mexico” and other policies implemented during its prior term in office.
– it also advocates invoking the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States, ending the scourge of Illegal Alien gang violence once and for al, and using Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.

Points to Ponder: Life & Human Dignity
Consider discussing the following questions with your local candidates, elected officials, and the parties, and with your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow parishioners:
– If all souls are children of God, placed by God in this world to find their ways back to God and to help other souls in finding their own ways home, what limits should be placed on voluntary termination of human life, either prior to birth or at any time before death? What can or should be done at the federal level, and what should be left to the states, or to private, religious, or other non-profit organizations?
– What options are our society, including the church and other non-profit agencies in addition to government, offering, or able to offer, to reluctant or unwilling mothers as alternatives to abortion and to support unwanted children? What can or should be done at the local, or federal, or state level, or by private, religious, or other non-profit organizations?
– Are federal restrictions and controls on cloning and the use of human cells, fetuses, and body parts properly crafted? What, if anything, should be done differently including at the state level? Should there be more discussion of this serious moral issue in our society?
– To what extent should voluntary, elective services that are morally questionable to large numbers of individuals, such as the voluntary termination of life or the voluntary modification of gender, be financed publicly through mandatory taxation? If such services are to be offered, should they be financed by the individuals who elect to access them, or by sympathetic charities, or by dissenting taxpayers?