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2021 Canada Federal Election

Canada's federal election will offer voters an opportunity to ensure that the nation is guided by leaders who will provide practical and efficient leadership with the good of all in mind – including the unborn, the elderly, the young, families,

Ontario General Election

Ontario's next general election is to be held on or before June 2, 2022. Catholics and all people of good will should consider the positions of the parties in view of the full range of Catholic social teaching, in order

Quebec General Election

L'élection générale du Québec de 2022 doit avoir lieu le 3 octobre 2022 pour élire les membres de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec. The 2022 Quebec general election is scheduled to take place on October 3, 2022, to elect members of

2022 Ontario Municipal Elections

Municipal council and school board elections will take place on Monday, October 24, 2022. Information on Catholic School Trustee candidates can be found here.

Alberta Election

Alberta’s 31st general election will take place May 29, 2023. The election will offer voters an opportunity to ensure that the province is governed by practical and efficient leaders who bear the good of all in mind – including the

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