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“Once more, I appeal for a renewed appreciation of politics as a lofty vocation and one of the highest forms of charity, in as much as it seeks the common good.”

–Pope Francis, Fratelli tutti

The Catholic faith is the heart of our mission. This means listening carefully for the voice of Jesus, the Most Gentle Shepherd, and attempting to follow him in everything we do—including all the ways we go about our work. This statement of values, rooted in the principles of our faith, directs us as we work to share the full range of Catholic social teaching with Catholics and others of good will, and form them into not just engaged citizens, but community leaders. Each of these statements is rooted in principles of Catholic social teaching and Christian virtues.

Equipping Catholics to discern their own consciences as voters.
We are non-partisan. We embrace and collaborate with those seeking to promote truth and values with Catholic social teaching, no matter where they might fall on the political spectrum, emphasizing the good qualities of each individual and each party, and promoting a process of prayerful discernment, especially in our attempts to encourage greater Catholic attention to voting and political engagement.

Building the Kingdom of God with Catholic social teaching.
We view the calling of Catholic civic and political leadership as a mission of evangelization, sharing the full range of Catholic social teaching for the improvement of civic discourse, the health of civil and political society, and the formation Catholics and others of good will into active, responsible citizens.

Inspiring the best in Catholic leadership.
We seek creative ways to form and inspire just and charitable Catholic leadership and civic witness, for the good of all.

Charitable love of our neighbors.
We believe in willing the good of one another as we will our own good. Our aim is to be a healing force in politics.

Serving the common good.
We believe in Christ’s words that the first among us must be the least.  We support engagement in the public square out of love for God, neighbor and community.

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