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Ontario Provincial Platform Comparisons

In accordance with our duty to participate, this page offers a summary of issues relevant to Ontario’s next provincial election, setting relevant Catholic teachings side by side with positions of the parties, using the parties’ own words.  This summary is intended to help you in deciding your vote, whether you are Catholic or simply a good person interested in a better world. 

Ontario’s next provincial election will offer voters an opportunity to ensure that the province is guided by leaders who will provide practical and efficient leadership with the good of all in mind – including the unborn, the elderly, the young, families, and those who are too often forgotten or ostracized by society – as well as workers, farmers, business owners, and all future generations. Here is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the parties’ platforms and positions, and their relation to the social teachings of the Church.

It will also offer an opportunity for bold, meaningful steps in the process of building a just society and economy, and society and economy that are, in the words of Pope Francis, structured to serve people. We only need to vote wisely!

Our party platform comparisons are based on official publications of the registered parties, and any communications provided by the parties directly to Catholic Conscience, as of April 7, 2021.  We will update these materials  as best we can as the elections approach.  Voters are in all cases encouraged to review the websites, platforms, and other materials published by the parties, and to speak directly to the parties and their candidates.   Parties having questions or suggestions for the improvement of these comparisons are invited to contact us at

Browse platforms and teachings by selecting issues below.

The Sanctity of Human Life: from Conception to Natural Death

Abortion, Euthanasia & Alternatives │ Human Engineering │ Population Control

Stewardship of Creation

Climate Change │ Species, Diversity & Wildlife │ Energy & Resources │ Conservation & Sustainable Development

Family, Community & the Common Good

Role of the Family │ Healthcare │ Education & Young Workers │ Culture Arts & Tourism

An Economy for All

The Dignity of Work │ Poverty Reduction │ Employment, Corporations, & Industries

The Individual & Society: Rights, Responsibility, & Subsidiarity

Civil Liberties │ Human Rights │ Responsibilities: Participation & Subsidiarity


Supporting the Marginalized │ Indigenous Peoples │ Rural Communities │ Refugees & Newcomers

Good Government: Democracy, Justice, & Peace

Role & Purpose of Government │ Stewardship & Reform │ Provinces, Territories, Municipalities │ International Relations & Defense │ Public Safety

Information on this page was last updated on Aug 20, 2021 @ 12:44 am.

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