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Trustee Questionnaire

2024 Trustees Election Questionnaire
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools

The Catholic Church considers that elected democratic office is a position of immense responsibility, to be held in high trust and exercised with great humility, wisdom, and responsibility, in the interest of the common good.  

This is particularly true with respect to those who seek to govern publicly-funded Catholic Schools.  Education is of first importance for the future of our society, and Catholic education, properly conducted, can be of unique importance in passing our faith to future generations.  Few endeavors offer comparable opportunities to integrate faith into the entire range of personal and social values for future generations.

The Church teaches that the ultimate purpose of this life is to seek the truth, which is God.  “God is the ultimate end of his creatures and for no reason may the common good be deprived of its transcendent dimension.”  This truth is most effectively communicated to our children by their families, parishes, and schools.

 Please confirm your name and GSCS region, and preferred contact information:

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Your Vision for Service as a Trustee

Catholic schools are not alternate public schools. In addition to the curriculum presented by secular schools, Catholic schools provide religious instruction, impart Gospel values and display religious symbols, and serve as a critical part of the Church’s mission to evangelize youth.  Catholic and non-Catholic parents freely choose to send their children to Catholic schools with the full expectation that they will be socialized into a faith community in which the person and message of Jesus is central to instruction in all subject areas.

The distinctiveness of Catholic schools arises from their teaching students to incorporate the person and the message of Jesus Christ in all aspects of their lives, while our secular society looks to the individual human being as the measure of all things. Catholic schools provide the spiritual and transcendent dimension which says that God is ultimately the measure and meaning of life.

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Supporting Documentation

It is a requirement that candidates for the office of Catholic separate school trustee be Catholic.   Many voters, including particularly parents of school children, seek assurance that trustees they elect are active, dedicated Catholics.  If you have a letter of reference from your pastor, or other documentary assurance, we invite you to share it with us at  Please note, however, that this is not a requirement for posting of your response.


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