Home Canada Canada Federal Election Canada Federal Election 2025

Read.  Pray.  Vote!

Canada’s next federal election will offer voters an opportunity to ensure that the nation is guided by leaders who will provide practical and efficient leadership with the good of all in mind – including the unborn, the elderly, the young, families, and those who are too often forgotten by society – as well as workers, farmers, business owners, and all future generations.

Catholics are called to participate in accordance with the full measure of talents entrusted to us by God. At a minimum, this means voting wisely after having considered all relevant issues, the positions of each of the candidates and parties, and relevant Church teachings. And many of us are called to even deeper involvement: volunteering at polling stations and other efforts to get out the vote; engaging personally with candidates and party officials; helping to spread good ideas and encourage others to vote properly; or in some cases volunteering to assist candidates or parties – or even putting ourselves forward as candidates.

This page will guide you toward resources and starting points to assist you in these efforts, whether you are Catholic or simply a good person interested in a better world.

The Catholic voting process always involves informing ourselves and praying for guidance. Using the process outlined here, we can vote with confidence – even when no clear choice is offered.

👉 When you’re familiar with the process, and have prayed for guidance and are ready to look at what the parties and the Church have to say, scroll down to our platform comparisons.

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Canada Federal Platform Comparisons

Canada’s next federal election will take place on or before October 20, 2025. In furtherance of the Catholic duty to participate, this page offers a summer of issues relevant to the election, setting Catholic teachings side by side with the positions of the parties, using the parties’ own words.  This summary is intended to help you in deciding your vote, whether you are Catholic or simply a good person interested in a better world for everyone.

  • Browse platforms and teachings by scrolling down.
  • Download a printable version of the complete comparison in either English or French by clicking at left below. 
  • To watch interviews on Catholic values with representatives of the major parties (dated 2021), click at the right.

Our comparisons are based on official publications of the registered parties, and any communications provided by the parties directly to Catholic Conscience, as of the dates indicated below.  We will do our best to update these materials as best we can as the election approach.  Voters are in all cases encouraged to review the websites, platforms, and other materials published by the parties, and to speak directly and respectfully with the parties and their candidates.  Parties having questions or suggestions for the improvement of the materials provided by Catholic Conscience are invited to contact us at info@CatholicConsicence.org.

2025 Canada Federal Platform Comparisons

2025 Canada Federal Comparaison -v1 Fr

Printable versions of the complete platform comparison set out in easy-to-browse form below, covering in English and French the complete substance of each party’s platform in the party’s own words.

This updated comparison of Canadian federal party positions is compiled from:

– Published platforms of registered parties, as available online 20 December 2023
– Constitutions, rules, and policy statements of registered parties, as available online 20 December 2023
– The Canadian federal budget 2023-2024



Watch The Catholic Virtual All-Parties’ Forum For The 2021 Federal Election

View on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VH_1KdrV-xI

This video was prepared in advance of the 2021 Canadian federal election.  Though the issues and quite likely the positions of the parties have changed somewhat since then, the broad stated objectives of the parties, and their philosophies, remain largely the same.  The video therefore still sheds valuable light on the policies of the parties.  We will update them, if possible, prior to the next election.

We thank each of the candidates, and their parties, who so generously shared their time with us, reflecting on the ways in which their parties’ platforms reflect Catholic values:

– Garnett Genuis, the Conservative Party candidate in the Alberta riding of Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan;
– Filomena Tassi, the Liberal Party candidate in the Ontario riding of Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas; and
– Norm Di Pasquale, NDP Candidate for Spadina Fort York in Ontario.

Each candidate offers thoughts on their party’s vision and policy ideas as they relate to the common good, life and dignity of the human person, reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous peoples, building an economy at the service of people, care for God’s creation, rights, responsibilities, and participation in society, solidarity, and Canadian culture.  Our prayers go with them and their parties, in thanks for the sacrifices they have made in serving as our leaders.

Please note that we invited other parties through designated contact addresses, as we did for the parties that participated.  Such other parties either declined to respond at all, or declined to identify candidates for interviews.  Our prayers go with them as well.

The Sanctity of Human Life: from Conception to Natural Death

Abortion, Euthanasia & Alternatives │ Human Engineering │ Population Control

Stewardship of Creation

Climate Change │ Species, Diversity & Wildlife │ Energy & Resources │ Conservation & Sustainable Development

Family, Community & the Common Good

Role of the Family │ Healthcare │ Education & Young Workers │ Culture Arts & Tourism

An Economy for All

The Dignity of Work │ Poverty Reduction │ Labour, Unions, Employment | Industries & Corporations

The Individual & Society: Rights, Responsibility, & Subsidiarity

Civil Liberties │ Human Rights │ Responsibilities: Participation & Subsidiarity


Supporting the Marginalized │ Indigenous Peoples │ Rural Communities │ Refugees & Newcomers

Good Government: Democracy, Justice, & Peace

Role & Purpose of Government │ Stewardship & Reform │ Provinces, Territories, Municipalities │ International Relations & Defense │ Public Safety

Information on this page updated as May 10, 2024.

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