God gave humans dominion over the earth, thereby making us stewards of creation as we work with Him in His continuing act of creation.
We must constantly consider how our actions glorify or harm this wonderous gift God has entrusted to us. This is a multi-faceted question, which must not be over-simplified.
With a vocation to glorify all life which includes respect for the inviolability and integrity of life, humans find themselves in the presence of all God’s other creatures. We can and are obliged to put them at our own service and to enjoy them, but our dominion over the world requires the exercise of responsibility. It is not a freedom of arbitrary and selfish exploitation. All of creation has value and is “good” in the sight of God. This is a marvelous challenge to human intellect. – 112, 113, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue:
it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience.
-23, 217, Laudato Si’
The Book of Genesis provides us with certain foundations of Christian anthropology, including the meaning of human activity in the world, which is linked to the discovery and respect of the laws of nature that God has inscribed in the created universe, so that humanity may live in it and care for it in accordance with God’s will. – 37, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Climate Change
There is urgency to this issue. Every Pope since at least Paul VI has written of our need to shift to a more responsible use of the earth and its abundant resources. The Church accepts that that need is now urgent.
“A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system… Humanity is called to recognize the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat… at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it. It is true that there are other factors, yet a number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases released mainly as a result of human activity. – Pope Francis, Laudato si’, –23
Energy & Resources
The good steward neither allows the resources entrusted to him to lie fallow or to fail to produce their proper fruit, nor does he waste or destroy them (Matthew 25:14-30). Rather, he uses them responsibly, for the Lord’s purposes, to realize their increase so that he may enjoy his livelihood and provide for the good of his family, his descendants, and his neighbors.
Humanity’s relationship with creation and the creatures of the earth “requires the exercise of responsibility, it is not a freedom of arbitrary and selfish exploitation.” – 115, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
One of the higher priority issues in economics is the utilization of resources, that is, of all those goods and services to which economic subjects — producers and consumers in the private and public spheres — attribute value because of their inherent usefulness in the areas of production and consumption… Resources in nature are quantitatively scarce, which means that each individual economic subject, as well as each individual society, must necessarily come up with a plan for their utilization in the most rational way possible, following the logic dictated by the “principle of economizing.” – 346, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Because of the powerful means of transformation offered by technological civilization, it seems that the balance between man and the environment has reached a critical point… A reductionistic conception quickly spread, starting from the presupposition — which was seen to be erroneous — that an infinite quantity of energy and resources are available, that it is possible to renew them quickly, and that the negative effects of the exploitation of the natural order can be easily absorbed… – 461, 462, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Conservation & Sustainable Development
Care for the environment represents a challenge for all of humanity. It is a matter of a common and universal duty, that of respecting a common good, destined for all, by preventing anyone from using “with impunity the different categories of beings, whether living or inanimate — animals, plants, the natural elements — simply as one wishes, according to one’s own economic needs.”
Responsibility for the environment, the common heritage of mankind, extends not only to present needs but also to those of the future… This is a responsibility that present generations have towards those of the future… A correct understanding of the environment… at the same time…must not absolutize nature and place it above the dignity of the human person himself. In this latter case, one can go so far as to divinize nature or the earth, as can readily be seen in certain ecological movements that seek to gain an internationally guaranteed institutional status for their beliefs. – 346, 461-463, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Species Diversity & Wildlife
Man and woman find themselves also in the presence of all the other creatures. They can and are obliged to put them at their own service and to enjoy them, but their dominion over the world requires the exercise of responsibility, it is not a freedom of arbitrary and selfish exploitation. All of creation has value and is “good” in the sight of God, who is its author. Man must discover and respect its value. This is a marvellous challenge to his intellect, which should lift him up as on wings towards the contemplation of the truth of all God’s creatures, that is, the contemplation of what God sees as good in them. Man must recognize all of God’s creatures for what they are and establish with each of them a relationship of responsibility. – 113, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
“Each of the various creatures, willed in its own being, reflects in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom and goodness. Man must respect the particular goodness of every creature, to avoid any disordered use of things which would be in contempt of the Creator and would bring disastrous consequences for human beings and their environment.” – 339, Catechism of the Catholic Church
It is a responsibility that must mature on the basis of the global dimension of the present ecological crisis… This perspective takes on a particular importance when one considers, in the context of the close relationships that bind the various parts of the ecosystem, the environmental value of biodiversity, which must be handled with a sense of responsibility and adequately protected… – 466, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

The party states that:
• Quebec does not manufacture gasoline automobiles, but trains, subways, streetcars and buses. It does not produce oil, but has abundant renewable resources such as water, wind and forests.
• the 21st century and its necessary energy transition is tailor-made for Quebec.
The party advocates:
• since the provinces control land use planning, transit systems, energy production and the exploitation of natural resources, making make maximum use taxation and regulation to put the economy at the service of the environment.
Tax Measures
The Bloc proposes green equalization, a tax reform that would reshape the carbon tax, shift part of the income tax to green taxation and revise the equalization formula to include incentives to fight climate change much more actively. This would include:
• application of a carbon tax in provinces where per capita Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are higher than average, with proceeds to be paid to provinces where GHG emissions are below average, creating a form of green equalization that taxes polluters and pays good players.
• for every dollar received in green equalization, reduction of the federally paid equalization payment by 90 cents from the equalization check, as an incentive to lower emissions through green innovation
• eventual replacement of equalization based on income taxes with a scheme based on green innovation
Climate change
The party advocates enactment of emissions targets consistent with the Paris Agreement, including an accountability mechanism requiring the government to take into account the impacts on climate change of all its actions, including grants and contributions, and requiring a mandatory review every four years, so that reduction targets can be increased, with a view to moving towards the more ambitious 1.5 degree target set out in the Paris Agreement.
Energy & Resources
The party advocates:
• termination of the Energy East Project, which it states would transport oil via pipelines by crossing more than 800 Quebec rivers, which are sources of life, drinking water, and economic activity
• termination of government subsidies to fossil fuel companies, in accordance with promises made before the G8 conference in 2009
• promoting the purchase of electric or hybrid vehicles by expanding the EV rebate program by adding:
– Additional discounts for lower income households;
– Additional discounts when the purchase of an ecological vehicle removes a particularly polluting vehicle;
– Incentives to purchase research in heavy and commercial vehicles;
– enactment of a zero-emission law that will require each manufacturer to sell a minimum of zero emission cars based on the number of gasoline cars sold.
Conservation & Sustainable Development
The party states that Quebecers deserve to have the last word when it comes to projects that affect our environment and land use planning. It undertakes to refuse to allow Ottawa to impose pipelines, airports, cell towers, or other infrastructure without Quebec’s consent.
The party advocates:
• re-introduction of a bill giving the government of Quebec the power to accept or decline any projects under federal jurisdiction which concern land use planning and Environmental protection.
• increased oversight of the rail industry, particularly as it relates to the transportation of hazardous materials, in accordance with recommendations made by Transport Canada following the Lac-Mégantic tragedy.
• public inquiry into lax regulation of rail transport.
• warnings for municipalities of hazardous rail shipments through their territory.
• a ban on any increase in the transport of oil through Quebec
• tax benefits to cover both energy-efficient renovations and electrification of heating systems in commercial buildings
Species, Diversity & Wildlife
The party advocates an immediate ban on the use of pesticides that threaten biodiversity, including elimination of bee-killing pesticides such as neonicotinoids.
The party Advocates:
• a vast project to modernize the forest industry to enable us to make better use of the forest
– extending the production chain through a support program for investment in wood processing companies;
– supporting research and development in the forestry sector;
– supporting projects for the biomethanization of forest residues;
– supporting local forest development initiatives: gathering, tourism, hunting and recreational fishing;
– funding through Ottawa to support the fight against the spruce budworm, in which the federal government has reinvested $ 75 million in the Atlantic provinces, but nothing at all for Quebec.

The CHP states that CO2 is a natural beneficial gas, not a pollutant, and that CO2 as the cause of climate change is an unproven theory.The CHP promotes protection of Canada’s air, soil and water from destructive contamination of man-made chemicals.
The party opposes:
• all carbon taxes, cap-and-trade schemes, and, carbon credits
• any attempt to block sunlight—“global dimming”—as has been proposed by some “geo-engineering” advocates in an effort to “cool the planet”
The CHP states in this context that it also cares about the MORAL environment
Climate change
The party states that
• CO2 is not pollution; it is a beneficial natural gas needed by all plants
• Carbon taxes are just a tax grab
• The federal government cannot legally force the provinces to collect taxes
• A carbon tax will do nothing for the environment
The party advocates rescinding any federal carbon tax
Energy & Resources
The party states that:
• natural resources are given by God for the benefit of mankind. Human beings are stewards (caretakers) of these resources have the responsibility to manage and preserve them for the benefit of future generations
• the extraction of minerals, precious metals and energy resources is a legitimate and vital industry
• care must be taken to protect the environment and to make efficient use of non-renewable resources
The party advocates re-evaluating the use of coal as an energy source, in light of new technology. With updated technologies, coal can again become a useful part of our mining and energy industries
Conservation & Sustainable Development
The party states that chemical pesticides and herbicides have an important role in agriculture and landscaping but more research should be don into effective affordable, and less invasive alternatives in pest control.
The party advocates careful assessment of studies indicating that application of certain man-made chemicals may be harmful to human, animal and soil health, rather than dismissal because the conclusions are inconvenient.
Species, Diversity & Wildlife
The party has released no official statement concerning its policies on species, diversity, or wildlife

The party states that:
• responsible exploration, development, conservation and renewal of our environment are vital to continued national and individual well-being Climate change The party believes that: • its plan to protect the environment balances the need to fight climate change by lowering global emissions with its core promise of leaving more money in Canadians’ pockets so they can get ahead. The party advocates: • requiring major emitters to do their part to lower than emissions, rather than taxing emissions. Energy & Resources The party advocates: • to restore Canada’s leadership in resource development, establishing an expert task force to engage industry, Indigenous communities and resource project proponents Conservation & Sustainable Development The party advocates: •implementing a Green Investment Standards Certification, including a requirement that companies report on their emissions Species, Diversity & Wildlife The party advocates: • a science-based assessment of protected areas, to identify best opportunities for expansion of protected areas and support of local habitat restoration projects Fisheries •rather than reducing harvesting and processing efforts, working with provinces and territories to protect and enhance all stocks |

As a core value, the party believes that humans and every other species of animal and plant are integral and interdependent parts of a living planet, that when we degrade the Earth or any part of it, we undermine the integrity and viability of all life including our own. Our duty, then, is to live on Earth with the lightest touch possible.
The party advocates support for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future, and states that every one of the sustainable development goals is reflected in its platform. Climate change The party states that the earth has already warmed to dangerous levels, with unprecedented heat waves and ice cap melting. The party advocates: • to hold a critical limit of 1.5C average temperature rise, cutting CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030, and net-zero emissions by 2050 The party advocates: • exempting electric and zero-emission vehicles from federal sales tax Energy & Resources The party states that by far the leading contribution to climate-changing pollution, 54% of Canada’s carbon emissions, are generated by the production and burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. The party advocates: • leaving fossil fuels in the ground, to cut emissions Conservation & Sustainable Development The party states that : • climate change has already advanced to the point at which immediate changes are needed in agricultural practices and reinforcement of critical public infrastructure The party advocates: •implementing national standards to reduce use of nitrogen fertilizers in crop agriculture, reducing erosion and rebuilding soils to retain carbon, Plastics • The party states that: • plastics are the fastest-growing component of the solid waste stream, and that close to 90 per cent of sea birds are reported to have plastic in their digestive systems • plastic production has increased from two million tonnes annually in 1950 to more than 300 million tonnes today, and that an estimated 80 per cent of all the plastic that has ever been produced – 8.3 billion tonnes – is still around, in landfills or elsewhere in the environment The party advocates developing a national strategy to eliminate plastic waste within 10 years, and as interim measures: •establishing and consulting a plastics lifecycle advisory group, with representatives from all sectors in the lifecycle of plastic products, scientists, and federal and provincial government representatives, to provide guidance Species, Diversity & Wildlife The party advocates: •increased funding for federal departments, to develop and implement endangered species recovery plans, and prompt initiation of federal emergency procedures when provinces fail to act Fisheries & Oceans The party states that restoring sustainable fishery practices and stocks, preventing the extinction of many fish species will be a complex task, in view of ocean acidification, pollution, increased water temperature, and decreased ocean-water oxygen levels. The party advocates: • involvement of historic coastal communities in fisheries management and marine harvesting |

The party states that as a part of COVID recovery, it plans to create a greener, more innovative, and more inclusive economy., taking advantage of a net zero emissions future and ensure that all Canadians are able to participate.
Climate change The party states that: – it remains committed to meeting and exceeding its Paris targets, and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 The party advocates: – allocating $150 million over three years to accelerate installation of zero-emission vehicle charging stations where people work, live and travel Energy & Resources The party advocates, in order to help phase out coal-based power generation, allocating $25 billion to the Canada Infrastructure Bank, including $25 million in 2021-22 to support engineering assessments, community consultations, and environmental and regulatory studies. Conservation & Sustainable Development The party believes that investment in and protection of nature is among the most important and affordable ways in which governments can mitigate climate change. The party advocates: – in view of the ability of oceans, forests, and wetlands to absorb carbon, allocating $3.16 billion over ten years to partner with provinces, territories, non-profits, municipalities, and communities to plant 2 billion trees Species, Diversity & Wildlife The party has released no official statement concerning its policies on species, diversity, or wildlife. |

The party states that it will declare a climate emergency, and legislate ambitious, science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets to stabilize global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
The party advocates: •creating an independent Climate Accountability Office to conduct regular audits of progress on climate goals Energy & Resources The party advocates: •requiring large-scale building retrofits in all sectors, beginning by working with provinces and territories to fund energy efficient retrofits on social housing units and government buildings, in order to reduce energy demand while creating jobs and saving people money Conservation & Sustainable Development Forestry The party acknowledges the importance of Canadian forests for industry and for the environment. The party advocates: • investment in forestry innovation and development of added-value wood product markets Fisheries The party acknowledges both the importance of the fishing industry and threats to existing fish stocks, and believes that with prompt, proper action both fishing and fish can be protected The party advocates: • development of a community-based terminal fishery system on the west coast Species, Diversity & Wildlife The party has released no official statement concerning its policies on species, diversity, or wildlife. |

The party has published no stated position on:
– species diversity & wildlife
The party states that: – it is an undisputed fact that the world’s climate has always changed and will continue to change. Until twelve thousand years ago, much of Canada was under ice, and it is thanks to natural climate change that we can live here today The party advocates: – withdrawal from the Paris Accord and abandonment of unrealistic greenhouse gas emission reduction targets Energy & Resources The party states that: – radical environmental activists, funded in part by American foundations, have influenced the government to stifle the growth of Canada’s oil industry by preventing it from transporting and selling its products, for example by banning oil tanker traffic on the north coast of British Columbia, which brought the cancellation of the Northern Gateway and Eagle Spirit pipeline projects, and causing investors to pull out of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project The party advocates: – because the oil and gas industry has been for decades a major source of employment, government revenues, and economic well-being for all of Canada, allowing it to grow, export its products, and bring prosperity to our country |

Points to Ponder: Stewardship of Creation
Consider discussing the following questions with your local candidates, elected officials, and the parties, and with your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow parishioners:
Many voices, including scientists, the Vatican, and the United Nations, agree that in order to avoid catastrophic global heating, with resulting unpredictable increases in the number and severity of extreme weather events, loss of agricultural land, particularly in the poorest countries, and collapse of ecosystems, global average temperature increase must be limited to 1.5 degrees Centigrade; and that to achieve such a limit, emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide must be cut in half by 2030 and brought to zero net increase by 2050. Canada is currently committed is to a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, relative to 2005 levels, by 2030, but according to the auditor general is not on track to meet that goal. – What can or should federal, provincial, and municipal governments, non-governmental organizations, families, and individuals do, if anything, to help prevent irreversible and possibly catastrophic damage to the earth’s atmosphere? – How can or should the federal government help guide Canada toward a sustainable, adaptable, and resilient economy and life style, in order to protect future generations and those who live in other parts of the world, while enabling Canadians to work at materially-sustaining and spiritually fulfilling jobs? – Should the elimination of single-use plastics, packaging, and implements be made a social priority? If so, what can or should the federal or provincial governments do, or local or charitable organizations? What other issues should be at the top of our climate agenda? |