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Please vote on Saturday, October 24

This year’s election offers voters an opportunity to ensure that British Columbia is guided by leaders who will provide practical and efficient leadership with the good of all in mind including the unborn, the elderly, the young, families, and those who are too often forgotten by society – as well as workers, farmers, business owners, and all future generations.

Catholics are called to participate, in accordance with the full measure of talents entrusted to them by God. At a minimum, this means voting wisely after having considered all relevant issues, the positions of each of the candidates and parties, and relevant Church teachings. And many of us are called to even deeper involvement: volunteering at polling stations and other efforts to get out the vote; engaging personally with candidates and party officials; helping to spread good ideas and encourage others to vote properly; or in some cases volunteering to assist candidates or parties – or even putting ourselves forward as candidates.

This page will guide you toward resources and starting points to assist you in these efforts, whether you are Catholic or simply a good person interested in a better world.

The Catholic voting process always involves informing ourselves and praying for guidance. Using the process outlined here, we can vote with confidence – even when no clear choice is offered.

👉 When you’re familiar with the process, and have prayed for guidance and are ready to look at what the parties and the Church have to say, look here.

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Information on this page was last updated on Oct 15, 2020 @ 1:42 pm.

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