The demands of the common good… are strictly connected to respect for and the integral promotion of the person and his fundamental rights. These demands concern above all the commitment to peace, the organization of the State’s powers, a sound juridical system, the protection of the environment, and the provision of essential services to all, some of which are at the same time human rights: food, housing, work, education and access to culture, transportation… Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 166
The “common good” means the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily… These demands concern above all the commitment to peace, the organization of the State’s powers, a sound juridical system, the protection of the environment, and the provision of essential services to all, some of which are at the same time human rights: food, housing, work, education and access to culture, transportation, basic health care, the freedom of communication and expression, and the protection of religious freedom. Nor must one forget the contribution that every nation is required in duty to make towards a true worldwide cooperation for the common good of the whole of humanity and for future generations also. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 164, 166
The common good consists of three essential elements: respect for and promotion of the fundamental rights of the person; prosperity, or the development of the spiritual and temporal goods of society; the peace and security of the group and of its members. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1925
The Role & Development of the Family
“Honor your father and mother.”
– the 4th Commandment
The family is the primary unit in society. It is where education begins and the Word of God is first nurtured. The priority of the family over society and the State must be affirmed. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 209-214
The Church teaches that the proper role of government and other human institutions is to foster human life and dignity by maintaining social conditions that enable and encourage us to serve God in one another, and thereby to promote that which is truly in the common interest. This begins with nurturing and enabling families, as well as supporting the elderly and other marginalized members of society.
Health Care
Among the causes that greatly contribute to underdevelopment and poverty, mention must be made of illiteracy, lack of food security, the absence of structures and services, inadequate measures for guaranteeing basic healthcare, and the lack of safe drinking water and sanitation. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 166, 447
Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into the needs of others and the common good. Concern for the health of its citizens requires that society help in the attainment of living-conditions that allow them to grow and reach maturity: food and clothing, housing, health care, basic education, employment, and social assistance. –Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2288
Support for the Elderly
If the elderly are in situations where they experience suffering and dependence, not only do they need health care services and appropriate assistance, but and above all they need to be treated with love. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 222
“May Nazareth remind us what the family is, what the communion of love is,
its stark and simple beauty, its sacred and inviolable character; may it help us to see how sweet
and irreplaceable education in the family is; may it teach us its natural function
in the social order. May we finally learn the lesson of work.”
Pope St Paul VI, Address at Nazareth (5 January 1964)
Maintaining employment depends more and more on one’s professional capabilities. Instructional and educational systems must not neglect human or technological formation, which are necessary for gainfully fulfilling one’s responsibilities.
Young people should be taught to act upon their own initiative, to accept the responsibility of facing with adequate competencies the risks connected with a fluid economic context that is often unpredictable in the way it evolves. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 289, 290
Maintaining employment depends more and more on one’s professional capabilities. Instructional and educational systems must not neglect human or technological formation, which are necessary for gainfully fulfilling one’s responsibilities.
Young people should be taught to act upon their own initiative, to accept the responsibility of facing with adequate competencies the risks connected with a fluid economic context that is often unpredictable in the way it evolves. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 289, 290
There is a growing loss of the sense of history… A kind of “deconstructionism”, whereby human freedom claims to create everything starting from zero, is making headway in today’s culture. The one thing it leaves in its wake is the drive to limitless consumption and expressions of empty individualism. Concern about this led me to offer the young some advice. If someone tells young people to ignore their history, to reject the experiences of their elders, to look down on the past and to look forward to a future that he himself holds out, doesn’t it then become easy to draw them along so that they only do what he tells them? He needs the young to be shallow, uprooted and distrustful, so that they can trust only in his promises and act according to his plans. That is how various ideologies operate: they destroy (or deconstruct) all differences so that they can reign unopposed. To do so, however, they need young people who have no use for history, who spurn the spiritual and human riches inherited from past generations, and are ignorant of everything that came before them. Fratelli tutti, 13
Culture, Arts & Tourism
Faced with rapid technological and economic progress, and with the equally rapid transformation of the processes of production and consumption, a great deal of educational and cultural work is urgently needed. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 376, 401
Certain economically prosperous countries tend to be proposed as cultural models for less developed countries; instead, each of those countries should be helped to grow in its own distinct way and to develop its capacity for innovation while respecting the values of its proper culture. A shallow and pathetic desire to imitate others leads to copying and consuming in place of creating, and fosters low national self-esteem.
We forget that there is no worse form of alienation than to feel uprooted, belonging to no one. A land will be fruitful, and its people bear fruit and give birth to the future, only to the extent that it can foster a sense of belonging among its members, create bonds of integration between generations and different communities, and avoid all that makes us insensitive to others and leads to further alienation. Fratelli tutti, –51-53
Role and development of the family
The Party’s Credo states that at the Party’s heart lies a fundamental conviction that it is the responsibility of government to achieve a society:
– which recognizes that the strengthening of the family and the protection of children are essential to the health of the nation
– where a sound education, proper nutrition, quality medical care, affordable housing, safe streets and a healthy environment are possible for every citizen
The party further states that in order to help families:
– its tax plan will ensure that no American earning less than $400,000 a year will pay one single penny more in federal taxes.
– during the pandemic, the administration expanded the Child Tax Credit, saving nearly 40 million families with 65 million children up to $3,600 per child per year, and cutting child poverty nearly in half to its lowest rate on record.
– it expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit as well, saving over 17 million low-paid workers an average $700 a year.
– it expanded the health insurance premium tax credit, saving millions of families who buy coverage on an Affordable Care Act exchange about $800 a year.
Family Planning and Maternal Health
With respect to family planning and maternal health equity, the party’s 2025 budget proposal advocates:
– allocating $390 million, a 36-percent increase above the 2023 enacted level, for the Title X Family Planning program to increase the number of patients served to 3.6 million
– to address the national maternal mortality rate, which is the highest among developed nations, with disproportionately high rates among Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, and rural women, allocating an additional $376 million to support the ongoing implementation of the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, including expansion of Medicaid maternal health support services during the pregnancy and post-partum period by incentivizing States to reimburse a broad range of providers including doulas, community health workers, peer support initiatives, and nurse home visiting programs
Child Care
The child care economy
The party states that:
– high-quality early care and long-term care are critical to the Nation’s economic growth and economic security. Early care and education give young children a strong start in life, while long-term care helps older Americans and people with disabilities live, work, and participate in their communities with dignity
– to help families and individuals struggling to access the affordable, high-quality care they need, during its term in office the administration invested over $60 billion from the American Rescue Plan in the care economy, including $24 billion to help child care providers and to provide child care workers with higher
pay, bonuses, and other benefits. To date, these efforts have helped over 225,000 child care programs serving as many as 10 million children across the Nation
– the President’s Council of Economic Advisers found that these investments saved families with young children who rely on paid child care approximately $1,250 per child per year, and boosted maternal labor-force participation by up to three percent, bringing hundreds of thousands of mothers into the workforce
– the administration also worked with Congress to secure an additional $2.1 billion in annual Child Care and Development Block Grant program funding since
2021, a 36-percent increase
– in April 2023, Executive Order 14095, “Increasing Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting Caregivers” charged federal agencies to lower the cost of
care for families; boost the supply of high-quality early care and education and long-term care; provide more options for individuals and families increase
access to affordable care for families; and improve job quality and support for care workers and caregivers
Health Care
The party affirms its belief that health care is a human right, and undertakes to continue to seek universal health care, reduced premiums and prescription prices, with control of overall costs and elimination of systemic discrimination.
The party states that:
– enrollments for Medicare have increased by more than 9 million people to a record 21.3 million, through the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces for 2024
– in addition, more than one million people in the four States that have adopted the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion have gained Medicaid coverage
– in response to the administration’s call, more than 40 States have agreed to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage from two months to 12
– recent signing of Inflation Reduction Act is helping millions of Americans save an average of $800 per year on health insurance by extending the Affordable Care Act enhanced premium tax credit, resulting in record enrollments in Affordable Care Act insurance while capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors per insulin prescription, making recommended vaccines free, and requiring drug companies to pay rebates to Medicare if they raise prices faster than inflation
– it has acquired authority for Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, starting with ten costly drugs used to treat blood clots, cancers, arthritis, and diabetes
– it has banned unwarranted “facility fees” for telehealth and certain other outpatient services in commercial insurance
– the President and First Lady launched the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research to promote both public and private investment and innovation in women’s health
– in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the President signed Executive Orders to: protect access to abortion, including medication abortion; strengthen access to contraception; and support women’s ability to travel across State lines to access care
– the administration has also strengthened privacy protections for patients and doctors, and defended in court women’s ability to access medication abortion and emergency medical care required under Federal law
– the administration continues to call on the Congress to pass legislation restoring the protections of Roe v. Wade in Federal law
The party advocates:
– increased funding for research into how the social determinants of health contribute to differences in health outcomes
– a sustained, government-wide effort to eliminate racial, social, ethnic, gender and geographic gaps in insurance rates, access to quality care, and health outcomes
– expanding Medicaid to enroll low-income people in a high-quality public option without premiums, and to include dental, vision, and hearing coverage
– strengthening of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and VA systems
– ensuring that health care is available to all at no more than 8.5% of their income
– doubled investments in community and rural health centers, and expanded mobile health units
– investing to build capacity of Medicaid to eliminate waiting lists for home and community-based care
– elimination of requirement for patients to hold low-paying jobs in order to qualify for Medicaid
– in order to save mothers’ lives, expanding postpartum Medicaid coverage to one year after birth, promote maternal health in rural areas and increase diversity of perinatal workforce, implement bias training for health professionals
– increasing medical price transparency, reducing paperwork, implementing uniform billing practices
– pursuing anti-trust action to stop health care mega-mergers
– providing direct, increased supports to states for adult Medicaid enrollment and increase federal percentage of bill coverage
– increased funding for CDC and state and local health departments
– creating a tax credit for unpaid informal and family caregivers
– improving standards for nursing homes and staff
– continued commitment to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic
– a minimum wage of $15/hr for health care workers whose employment is funded by taxpayer dollars
To expand access to health care, the party’s 2025 budget proposal advocates:
– making permanent the expanded premium tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act providing Medicaid-like coverage to individuals in States that have not adopted Medicaid expansion, paired with financial incentives to ensure States maintain their existing expansions
– extending the existing 12-month continuous eligibility under Medicaid and CHIP for all children to 36 months, and allowing States to provide continuous eligibility for children from birth until they turn age six, and prohibiting enrollment fees and premiums in CHIP
– eliminating Medicaid funding caps for Puerto Rico and other Territories while aligning their matching rate with States
With respect to family planning and maternal health equity, the party’s 2025 budget proposal advocates:
– allocating $390 million, a 36-percent increase above the 2023 enacted level, for the Title X Family Planning program to increase the number of patients served to 3.6 million
– to address the national maternal mortality rate, which is the highest among developed nations, with disproportionately high rates among Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, and rural women, allocating an additional $376 million to support the ongoing implementation of the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, including expansion of Medicaid maternal health support services during the pregnancy and post-partum period by incentivizing States to reimburse a broad range of providers including doulas, community health workers, peer support initiatives, and nurse home visiting programs
Disease Treatment and Research
The party states that during the administration’s current term:
– the Biden Cancer Moonshot was implemented, to mobilize a national effort to end cancer as we know it by spurring action across the Federal Government and from the public and private sectors
– to date, the Biden Cancer Moonshot has announced more than 95 new programs, policies, and resources to address five priority actions including: improving access to cancer screening; understanding and addressing environmental and toxic exposures; advancing cancer prevention; promoting innovation; and boosting support for patients, families, and caregivers
The party’s 2025 budget advocates:
– investments toward the goal of reducing the cancer death rate by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years and improving the experience of people who are living with or who have survived cancer, including more than $2 billion across the National Cancer Institute, FDA, CDC, cancer projects at the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, and additional mandatory funds for the Indian Health Service (IHS) beginning in 2026
– investment of $9.8 billion in both discretionary and mandatory Prevention and Public Health Fund funding, an increase of $499 million over the 2023 enacted level, to bolster public health capacity, including strengthening State, tribal, local, and territorial health departments, enhancing public health data systems and collection, and improving the core immunization program
– allocating $20 billion in mandatory funding for HHS public health agencies to address biodefense priorities outlined in the 2022 National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan for Countering Biological Threats, Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness, and Achieving Global Health Security
– a national program to significantly expand screening, testing, treatment, prevention, and monitoring of Hepatitis C infections in the United States
– to help end the HIV epidemic, elimination of barriers to pre-exposure prophylaxis—also known as PrEP—for Medicaid beneficiaries and a new mandatory program to guarantee PrEP at no cost for all uninsured and underinsured individuals and provide essential wrap-around services
– a new program to provide uninsured adults with access to routine and outbreak vaccines at no cost
– expanding Vaccines for Children (VFC) program to include all children under age 19 enrolled in CHIP and covers the vaccine administration fee for all VFC-eligible uninsured children
To help low-income families put nutritious food on the table and address racial disparities in maternal and child health outcomes, the party’s 2025 budget advocates allocation of $8.5 billion for critical nutrition programs, including $7.7 billion to fully fund participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Support for the Elderly
The Party states that:
– as an article of its Credo, it is the responsibility of government to achieve a society where the elderly and the disabled can lead lives of dignity and where Social Security remains an unshakable commitment
– Social Security and Medicare are more than Government programs, they are a promise—a rock-solid guarantee that generations of Americans have counted on—that after a life of hard work, you will be able to retire with dignity and security.
The party advocates:
– reforming social security by increasing benefits for all and protecting surviving spouses
– rejecting efforts to privatize or weaken social security, including raising retirement age or cuts to cost-of-living increases
– addressing social security rights for unpaid caregivers
– requiring high-income Americans to contribute their fair share and reducing prescription drug costs, and extending solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund indefinitely, by modestly increasing the Medicare tax rate on incomes above $400,000, closing loopholes in existing Medicare taxes, and directing revenue from the Net Investment Income Tax into the HI trust fund as was originally intended
– opposing policies that cut benefits, as well as proposals to privatize Social Security
– investments in Social Security Administration (SSA) services so that seniors and people with disabilities can access benefits, including providing $1.3 billion for staff, information technology (IT), and other improvements, a nine-percent increase from the 2023 enacted level
The party proposes, through the administration’s 2025 Budget:
– to invest $150 billion over 10 years to strengthen and expand Medicaid home and community-based services, allowing elderly and individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes and stay active in their communities, and improving the quality of jobs for home care workers
– to increase funding for senior nutrition services by eight percent above the 2023 level, and 21 percent over the 2021 level
– to shift funding for nursing home surveys from discretionary to mandatory beginning in 2026, and increase funding to cover 100 percent of statutorily-mandated surveys, to guard against negligent
– to address safety and quality issues in nursing home care and the backlog of complaint surveys from nursing home residents; expand financial penalties for underperforming facilities; require greater transparency of nursing facility ownership; and increase the inspection of facilities
Education & Young Workers
The party believes that education is a critical public good—not a commodity—and that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that every child, everywhere, is able to receive a world-class education that enables them to lead meaningful lives.
Early childhood education
In order to promote healthy child development, help children enter kindergarten ready to learn, and support families by reducing their costs prior to school entry and allowing parents to work. The party’s 2025 budget proposal advocates:
– funding voluntary, universal, free preschool for all four million of the Nation’s four-year-olds, and expanding preschool to three year-olds, including offering preschool in the setting of the parent’s choice—from public schools to child care providers to Head Start
– increasing Head Start funding by $544 million to support pay parity between Head Start staff and public elementary school teachers with similar qualifications over time
The party states that during its term in office the current administration:
– secured the largest investment in public education in history to help students recover academically from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on evidence-based strategies such as addressing chronic absenteeism and increased student access to tutoring and summer, afterschool, and extended learning programs
– garnered increases for Federal student support programs to meet needs of historically underserved students and increased funding to Title I schools; and that since the administration took office, the Nation has added 73,000 public school teachers
The party advocates:
– to reduce inequitable funding of public schools, tripling of Title 1 funding for low-income students
– expansion of free lunch programs, health care and nutrition service
– expansion of adult education classes
– expanded vocational and arts magnet schools
– banning federal funding for for-profit private schools
– ending private school vouchers
– working to end violence in schools
– reform of school and student performance testing
To support education for over seven million Pre-K through 12 students with disabilities, the party advocates:
– allocating $14.4 billion for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) State Grants, a $200 million increase over the 2023 level
– allocating an additional $545 million in IDEA Grants for Infants and Families to provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities
– to address nationwide special educator shortages, allocating a further $125 million, in grants to prepare special education and early intervention personnel
Post-secondary education
The party believes that everyone should be able to earn a degree beyond high school, without money standing in the way.
The party states that:
– during its current term in office, the administration has approved a total of over $137 billion in debt cancellation for over 3.7 million in student debt
– its Saving on a Valuable Education plan will cut undergraduate loan payments in half and prevent student loan balances from growing due to runaway interest
– to alleviate the burden of student loan debt for public servants, the administration has helped almost 750,000 public workers access Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), in contrast to only about 7,000 forgiven loans in prior years
– it has also increased the maximum Pell Grant by $900 since the beginning of the Administration
– the administration’s 2025 budget includes a $12 billion mandatory Reducing the Costs of College Fund that would fund three strategies to lower college costs for students: (1) by providing competitive awards for public institutions that affordably deliver a quality education, allowing those schools to use those funds either to serve more students or to share best practices so that other schools can become more affordable; (2) providing over $7 billion for States to provide access to at least 12 credits of transferable career-connected dual enrollment credits to students while in high school—credits that can enable students to obtain postsecondary degrees more affordably; (3) supporting evidence-based strategies, such as the City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associated Programs Associate Program model, which increase college graduation rates, reduce cost burdens for students, and lower costs per graduate.
The party advocates:
– improving early childhood education
– increased funding to states to guarantee that low- and middle-income families can afford child care
– increased professional requirements for and training of early childhood educators
The party also advocates:
– tuition-free public colleges and universities for family earning less than $125,000 (about 80% of Americans)
– tuition free community colleges and trade schools for all students, including Dreamers
– increased federal support for on-campus child care
– mobilizing a diverse new generation of young workers through a corps and cohort challenged to conserve our public lands
– as a part of the COVID recovery process, forgiving up to $10,000 per student on federal student loans, forgiveness of interest and debt for others, without tax consequences
High-needs school districts
To address the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning and student well-being, the party advocates:
– allocating $8 billion for Academic Acceleration and Achievement Grants to high-need school districts to help close opportunity and achievement gaps and speed the pace of learning recovery, including support for evidence-based strategies to increase school attendance, provide high-quality tutoring and student supports, and expand learning time, including both in the summer and in extended day or afterschool programs
– to ensure that every student receives the high-quality education and support they deserve, allocating a further $18.6 billion for Title I, a $200 million increase above the 2023 level, to deliver critical funding to public schools in low-income communities
Culture, Arts & Tourism
The party states that:
– the arts are essential to the nation’s free and democratic society.
– America is a great nation in large part because of the power of the arts and humanities that’s embedded in the DNA of America. The current administration has taken historic action to support the arts, helping libraries, theaters, concert halls, and other venues stay afloat during the pandemic, including strengthening the National Endowment for the Arts, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
– it has also reestablished a President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities and signed an Executive Order to make art more accessible to people from underserved communities, elevate new voices through the arts and humanities, and expand opportunities for artists and scholars.
The party advocates:
– support for non-profit cultural organizations, artists, scholars, and state and local support for participation in the arts.
Role of the Family
The party advocates:
– social policies focused on protecting families
– programs that ensure that children, as vulnerable members of society, receive basic nutritional, educational, and medical necessities
– support for and expansion of Head Start and Pre- and neo-natal programs
– a universal, federally funded childcare program for pre-school and young schoolchildren
– family assistance such as the earned income tax credit, for working poor families in which the parent supports and lives with the children, to offset regressive payroll taxes and growing inequalities in American society
– no privatization of social security, so that the program remains under the aegis of the Federal Government, attempts to expand its effectiveness
– work of non-profit public interest groups and those individuals breaking out of “careerism” to pursue non-traditional careers in public service.
Health Care & Elder Care
The party states that:
– it supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all, and believes that health care is a right, not a privilege
– the United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without a national health care system
– under a universal, comprehensive, national single-payer health care system, the administrative waste of private insurance corporations would be redirected to patient care, and would be more than enough to offset the cost of additional care. Expenses for businesses currently providing coverage would be reduced, while state and local governments would pay less because they would receive reimbursement for services provided to the previously uninsured
– it supports a wide range of health care services, including conventional medicine, as well as the teaching, funding and practice of complementary, integrative and licensed alternative health care approaches
– to improve national health, we must improve the quality of our air, water and food and the health of our workplaces, homes and schools
– it unequivocally supports a woman’s right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age, and that contraception and safe, legal abortion procedures be available on demand and be included in all health insurance coverage in the U.S., as well as free of charge in any state where a woman’s income falls below the poverty level
– the failure of governments to invest in research for a cure for HIV/AIDS is because mainstream society has the belief that contracting HIV is self-inflicted by “sinful” or “illegal” behavior
– the largest groups with HIV/AIDS in the USA are men who have sex with men, including gay, bisexual, and trans men, and men of color, particularly of African and Latinx descent. Persons who share needles are the next largest group of persons with HIV/AIDS in the USA
The party advocates:
– a publicly funded health care insurance program, administered at the state and local levels, with comprehensive lifetime benefits, including dental, vision, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, medication coverage, and hospice and long-term care
– participation of all licensed and/or certified health providers, subject to standards of practice in their field, with the freedom of patients to choose the type of health care provider from a wide range of health care choices, and with decision-making in the hands of patients and their health providers
– portability of coverage regardless of geographical location or employment
– cost controls via streamlined administration, national fee schedules, bulk purchases of drugs and medical equipment, coordination of capital expenditures and publicly negotiated prices of medications
– primary and preventive care as priorities, including wellness education about diet, nutrition and exercise; holistic health; and medical marijuana
– more comprehensive services for those who have special needs, including the mentally ill, the differently abled and those who are terminally ill
– hospitals that can afford safe and adequate staffing levels of registered nurses
– establishment of national, state, and local health policy boards consisting of health consumers and providers to oversee and evaluate the performance of the system, ensure access to care, and help determine research priorities
– comprehensive, humane, and competent care of all people with HIV/AIDS
– increased public education in the prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS which includes funding for the purchase and distribution of condoms, gloves, dams, and needles & syringes
– increased funding for age appropriate comprehensive sex education that includes use of barriers for prevention of fluid/blood transmission
– easy access for students to condoms, gloves, and dams in schools
– funding for methods of peer education for sex workers and those who may share needles, and to supply them with condoms, dams, gloves, and needles & syringes
– educating incarcerated individuals in HIV transmission prevention and supplying them with condoms, dams, and gloves
– creation of daily HIV medication distribution centers for individuals who are unable to manage the complex daily medication regimen without assistance
– free, anonymous testing of people for the presence of HIV/AIDS; and elimination of mandated testing
– best governmental efforts to negotiate fair and reasonable prices for associated drugs, rather than allowing manufacturers to extract excessive profits from these life-saving medications
– funding for outreach and treatment to address the particular circumstances and specific needs of the various communities affected by HIV/AIDS
– better condoms
– research for HIV/AIDs vaccine research as well as research on prevention methods such as microbicides
– provision to people of means and support to protect themselves from all sexually transmitted and blood & body fluid borne diseases
– repeal of all HIV criminalization laws and policies and release all prisoners imprisoned solely due to HIV status
Education & Young Workers
K-12 Education
The party states that:
– a great challenge facing the people of the United States is to educate ourselves to build a just, sustainable, humane and democratic future, and to become responsible and effective citizens of the local and global communities we share
– every child deserves a public education that fosters critical and holistic thought, and provides the breadth and depth of learning necessary to become an active citizen and a constructive member of our society
– our public school system, as it presently operates, helps us reach that goal
– for the first time in this country’s history, students of color represent the majority of the PK-12 public education student body
– additionally, now more than half of all school children are classified as “low income”
– nearly 35 percent of all public school students have some specific learning disability and are receiving special education services
– in view of the foregoing, in order for America’s schools to truly become effective in teaching our students to think critically and to respond to life challenges, districts, schools and teachers must develop a new consciousness toward students that includes cultural competency, the understanding of the impact of poverty on school performance, asset-based engagement and how to create stable, nurturing school environments that will help students thrive and succeed
– opposing the dissolution of public schools and the privatization of education
– the best educational experience is guaranteed by the democratic empowerment of organized students, their parents and communities along with organized teachers
– students should be challenged with great works of literature, economics, philosophy, history, music, and the arts as regular academic subjects
– we must end disinvestment in education and instead put it at the top of our social and economic agenda. Effective schools have sufficient resources. Too many of our teachers are overworked, underpaid, and starved of key materials.
– it does not believe that schools should turn our children into servile students, employees, consumers or citizens
The party advocates:
– equal access to high-quality education, and sharp increases in financial aid for college students
– dismantling white supremacy in our schools, represented in curricula, discipline, teacher recruitment and more, by seeking to end the school-to-jailhouse track – – freeing teachers from requirements to use exclusively Common Core Standards-aligned materials, which neglect the contributions and struggles of people of color
– allowing teachers to choose whichever materials are academically-challenging and culturally appropriate for their students, and strengthening cultural competency requirements for teachers
– providing robust professional development in cultural competency, and widen the scope of teacher preparation to include cultural competency training
– ending alternative teacher licensing initiatives such as Teach for America which recruit primarily white teachers and inject them into urban classrooms with as little as five weeks’ training and only a two-year commitment, creating great destabilization in school communities that need consistent leadership and community connections
– incentivize “grow your own teacher” programs in oppressed communities with targeted recruitment during high school, federal grants and loan forgiveness and mentoring
– invest more resources into recruiting fully bilingual school support staff, such as front-office and family resource personnel and counselors
– eliminating police officers from our schools, and ensuring that school security personnel are trained for, and held accountable to, conflict resolution techniques and anti-bias training
– ensuring that security personnel demonstrate cultural competency and refrain from enforcing white supremacist oppressive tactics
– recognize the impact of poverty on student achievement, which no amount of sanctions, standards, turnarounds, teacher targeting or privatization will fix
– ending inequitable school funding and use of schemes like “student-based budgeting,” behavior policies based on “no excuses,” “character education” and “grit,” and school closures
– ending regimes of high-stakes standardized testing and the wholesale diversion of resources away from public schools are provoking crises for which the bipartisan corporate consensus recommends school closings, dissolution of entire school districts and replacement by unaccountable, profit-based charter schools
– recognizing and upholding parents’ right to opt their children out of any standardized test, and ending official bullying and threats from school and district officials when parents opt out
– ending all federal competitive grants like Race to the Top (RTTT) and instead equitably fund schools based on a priority of socioeconomic level
– elimination of gross inequalities in school funding, and focusing federal education policy on providing equal access to a quality education
K-12 Curriculum
The party states that:
– values start with parents and schools should not seek to de-program students from those values
The party advocates:
– providing age-appropriate education on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and safer sex
– prohibiting commercial advertising to children in schools
– providing healthy school meals that are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, and offer plant-based vegetarian options and providing opportunities for parents to assist in meal preparation. m. Ban the sale of soda pop and junk food in schools
– including a vigorous and engrossing civics curriculum in later elementary and secondary schools, to teach students to be active citizens
– encouraging parental responsibility by supporting parenting in culturally-sensitive ways and increasing opportunities for parents to be as involved as possible in their children’s education
– recognizing the viable alternative of home-based education and support working-class parents who wish to offer it to their children
– opposing efforts to restrict the teaching of scientific information and the portrayal of religious belief as fact
– decreasing the student-teacher ratio in classrooms and increase the number of counselors, nurses, librarians and social workers
– including self-defense skills in the physical education curriculum at elementary school level
– providing researched-based drug, tobacco, and alcohol abuse prevention, as well as evidence-based information about the true effect of recreational or medicinal substances such as cannabis on the developing brain
– teaching all students about white supremacy and intersectionality
– ending the militarization of our schools. JROTC programs are an expensive drain on our limited educational resources and a diversion from their important mission to prepare our young to assume their role in a peaceful tomorrow
– ending the use of ASVAB testing to mine public school student bodies for data to support military recruiting
– forbidding military access to student records
Post-secondary education
The party advocates:
– providing free college tuition to all qualified students at public universities and vocational schools
– abolishing all student and parent loans taken out to finance post-secondary and vocational education
– opposing military and corporate control over the priorities and topics of university academic research
– expanded opportunities for universal higher education and life-long learning
Young People
The party states that:
– all human beings have the right to a life that will let them achieve their full potential
– young people are one of the least protected classes of human beings, yet they represent our future. We must ensure they have an upbringing that allows them to take their place as functioning, productive, and self-actualized members of their community
– youth are not the property of their parents or guardians, but are under their care and guidance
– youth have the right to survive by being provided adequate food, shelter and comprehensive health care, including prenatal care for mothers
– youth have the right to be protected from abuse, harmful drugs, violence, environmental hazards, neglect, and exploitation
– youth have the right to develop in a safe and nurturing early environment provided by affordable childcare and pre-school preparation
– youth have the right to an education that is stimulating, relevant, engaging, and that fosters their natural desire to learn
– young people’s creative potential should be encouraged to the greatest extent possible
– young people should have input into the direction and pace of their own education, including input into the operation of their educational institutions
– young people should be provided with education regarding their own and others’ sexuality at the earliest appropriate time
– young people should be provided the opportunity to express themselves in their own media, including television, radio, films and the Interne
– young people should also be given skills in analyzing commercial media
– young people should be kept free from coercive advertising at their educational institutions.
The party advocates:
– to create new opportunities for citizens to serve their communities through non-military community service and challenge young people while encouraging social responsibility by providing them with land and resource management skills, formation of a Civilian Conservation Corps, with national leadership and state and local affiliates, to spearhead efforts to work on the tasks of environmental education, restoration of damaged habitats, reforestation, and cleaning up polluted waterways
Culture, Arts & Tourism
The party states that:
– freedom of artistic expression is a fundamental right and a key element in empowering communities, and in moving us toward sustainability and respect for diversity
– artists can create in ways that foster healthy, non-alienating relationships between people and their daily environments, communities, and the Earth. This can include both artists whose themes advocate compassion, nurturance, or cooperation; and artists whose creations unmask the often-obscure connections between various forms of violence, domination, and oppression, or effectively criticize aspects of the very community that supports their artistic activity
– the arts can only perform their social function if they are completely free from outside control
The party advocates:
– alternative, community-based systems treating neither the artwork nor the artist as a commodity
– elimination of all laws that seek to restrict or censor artistic expression, including the withholding of government funds for political or moral content
– increased funding for the arts appropriate to their essential social role at local, state and federal levels of government
– community-funded programs employing local artists to enrich their communities through public art programs, including public performances, exhibitions, murals on public buildings, design or re-design of parks and public areas, storytelling and poetry reading, and publication
– the establishment of non-profit public forums for local artists to display their talents and creations
– research, public dialogue, and trial experiments to develop alternative systems for the valuation and exchange of artworks and for the financial support of artists
– funding sources not connected with social injustice or environmental destruction
– education programs in the community that will energize the creativity of every community member from the youngest to the oldest, including neglected groups such as teenagers, senior citizens, prisoners, immigrants, and drug addicts. Such programs would provide materials and access to interested, qualified arts educators for every member of the community who demonstrates an interes
– funding and staffing to incorporate arts education into every school curriculum
– integration of the arts and artistic teaching methods into other areas of the curriculum to promote a holistic perspective
Role & Importance of Family
The campaign has published no statement concerning its policies on the role or importance of the family.
Health Care & Elder Care
The campaign states that:
– healthcare is a key aspect of American revitalization, as it consumes nearly one-fifth of GDP. However, it’s not just a matter of shifting the burden of who pays: healthcare spending per capita has increased twelve-fold since 1960. Is America twelve times healthier? On the contrary, the nation faces a pandemic of chronic disease. Auto-immunity, allergies, diabetes, obesity, addiction, anxiety, and depression afflict two-thirds of the population, up from a few percent in our grandparents’ time.
The campaign advocates going beyond making existing modalities available to all, to include low-cost alternative and holistic therapies that have been marginalized in a pharma-dominated system, and moving a sick care system to a wellness society.
Education & Young Workers
The campaign states that:
– nearly 45 million Americans are struggling to pay back loans to the tune of a combined 1.7 trillion dollars. The volume of student loan debt is greater than any other form of debt in the United States, more so than even credit card debt
– a default rate expected when the current moratorium is lifted
– in 2020-2021 dollars, one year’s college tuition in 1963 cost just over $4,300; in 2020, it cost nearly $14,000. The total cost of a year of college was about $10,600 in 1963; in 2020, it was almost $26,000
The campaign advocates:
– repealing provisions of the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act that made student debt non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, putting it into a different category from medical debt or credit card debt. Although corporations use bankruptcy frequently as a financial maneuver to get out of bad investments, the Act made that impossible for many consumers, especially student debtors
– allowing refinancing of student loans. Unlike most other forms of debt, a debtor cannot, for example, borrow against their home in order to pay off their loans. Allowing students to refinance their student loans at lower interest rates gives them a chance to get a handle on monthly payments. If businesses can refinance loan debt, so should students
– abolishing interest on student loans, including cutting the interest to zero retroactively, making millions of borrowers debt-free immediately and dramatically shrinking balances and monthly payments for millions more
– making schools, rather than loan institutions, responsible for defaults. The higher education system is trapped in a vicious circle, where rising tuition forces students to take out loans, and the ready availability of loans encourages universities to raise tuition. Making schools, rather than independent loan institutions, responsible for loan defaults would give them an incentive to keep tuition costs under control, and encourage them to be careful to lend to serious students who are likely to graduate
– reforming the higher education system. In 1940, about 4 million Americans held 4-year college degrees. Today it is over 100 million, a ten-fold increase relative to total population. Yet that does not mean that everyone is smarter and better qualified for occupations requiring high levels of training. Approximately 41 percent of all recent graduates are working jobs that do not require a college degree. College degrees are now required for many jobs that once only required a high school diploma. The result of herding masses of students through an educational model originally designed to train scholars and intellectuals has not been to raise a nation of scholars, but rather to debase the quality of education. To address this phenomenon of “degree inflation,” in which both the quality and the value of higher education have declined, while costs have skyrocketed, the party advocates:
1. Qualifying micro-credential and nano-credentials for Title IV funding, giving students who don’t want an entire 2-year or 4-year program access to the same support as traditional students
2. Elevating the Trades. Electricians, plumbers, mechanics, builders, paralegals, and technicians of all kinds are just as important to America’s prosperity as the laptop class. Those who want to pursue a hands-on career should get just as much support as those who want to become academics and professionals. The campaign proposes to provide trade schools funding equivalent to any funding provided for degree problems
3. Redesigning and vastly expanding the Peace Corps to offer an alternative to college and the military for skills development, including opening a domestic service corps open to anyone who has graduated from high school, providing opportunities to learn skills and do meaningful work, such as ecological restoration, infrastructure repair, care for the sick and elderly, assistance in the schools, helping the disabled, and many other areas of service.
The campaign states that:
– upon graduation from high school, many young people today face a bleak choice between college, which is not for everyone, and low paying jobs in the service or gig economy, military enlistment, or a “career” in the illegal drug trade.
– it advocates transforming the existing Americorps program to offer a new option to help young people gain skills, step into adult responsibilities, and most of all, act on their altruism and desire to serve something larger than themselves. Americorps, officially known as the National Civilian Community Corps, was founded in 1994 as a domestic version of the Peace Corps. Today, the kind of service the Peace Corps has done in the world is needed urgently in our own country.
– the existing Americorps is only a one-year program open to college grads. The transformed Americorps will be open to all people 18 and older who want to make a four year commitment to service, in urgently-needed areas such as:
* Urban renewal
* Ecological restoration
* Care for the disabled, sick, and elderly
* Infrastructure repair
* Addiction recovery centers
* Organic agriculture
– the expanded Americorps will develop relationships with other organizations such as trade unions and NGOs to ensure the labor and creativity of Americorps volunteers supports existing organizations
– benefits to participants will be on a par with benefits to military veterans, including all food, housing, medical care provided (as in military); a monthly stipend; assistance with college tuition, medical care, and mortgage upon finishing deployment; development of vocational skills; an opportunity to meaningful work; and an opportunity to bond with other young people who care
– the requirements placed upon participants will be challenging, rivaling expectations for soldiers in the military, but they will leave the program capable, confident, and ready to continue contributing to society
– the expanded Americorps can also provide a transition zone for retiring military personnel who want to continue serving their country while learning economically useful civilian skills. The focus areas of the expanded Americorps coincide with high-demand professions, particularly in construction and repair. Americorps will give veterans a place to apply their leadership skills as supervisors and mentors while also developing skills suitable for civilian life.
Culture, Arts & Tourism
The campaign has published no statement regarding its policies on arts, or tourism.
Role and development of the family
The party states that:
– parents, or other guardians, have the right to raise their children according to their own standards and beliefs, provided that the rights of children to be free from abuse and neglect are also protected
The party states that:
– education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability, and efficiency with more diversity of choice
– recognizing that the education of children is a parental responsibility, it would restore authority to parents to determine the education of their children,
without interference from government
– parents should have control of and responsibility for all funds expended for their children’s education
Health Care
The party states that:
– it favors a free market health care system. It recognizes the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions
– people should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.
Role and development of the family
To empower American families, the party advocates:
– promoting a culture that values the sanctity of marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents, and ending policies that punish families, including:
– cutting federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto children
– keeping men out of women’s sports
– promoting a culture that values the sanctity of marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents, and ending policies that punish families.
Health Care
The party advocates:
– fighting for and protecting social security and medicare with no cuts, to ensure seniors are able to access care without being burdened by excessive costs
– opposing any changes to the retirement age
– addressing out of control healthcare and prescription drug costs through increased transparency, promotion of choice and competition, and expanded access to new affordable healthcare and prescription drug options.
Support for the Elderly
The party states that:
– it will not cut one penny from Medicare or Social Security. American Citizens work hard their whole lives, contributing to Social Security and Medicare. These programs are promises to our Seniors, ensuring they can live their golden years with dignity. It will protect these vital programs and ensure economic Stability
– it undertakes to work with seniors, in order to allow them to be active and healthy. It commits to safeguarding the future for seniors and all American families.
The party advocates:
– protect Medicare’s finances from being financially crushed by the current administration’s plan to add tens of millions of new illegal immigrants to the rolls of Medicare
– to support active and healthy living, increasing focus on Chronic Disease prevention and management, long-term care, and benefit flexibility, including expanded access to Primary Care and support for policies that help Seniors remain in their homes and maintain Financial Security
– shifting resources back to at-home Senior Care, overturning disincentives that lead to care worker shortages, and support for unpaid family Caregivers through tax credits and reduced red tape.
– tackling inflation, unleashing American energy, restoring economic growth, and securing national borders to preserve Social Security and Medicare funding for the future generations, and ensuring that these programs remain solvent long into the future by reversing harmful policies and unleashing a new economic boom.
Education & Young Workers
The party advocates:
– cutting federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto children
– to reduce the cost of higher education, supporting the creation of additional, drastically more affordable alternatives to a traditional four-year College degree.
K-12 Education
The party advocates cultivating great K-12 schools, to ensure safe learning environments free from political meddling and restore parental rights. It is committed to an education system that empowers students, supports families, and promotes American Values, preparing students for successful lives and well-paying jobs.
To that end, the party advocates:
– support for schools that focus on excellence and parental rights, including ending Teacher Tenure, adopting merit pay, and allowing various publicly supported educational models
– empowering families to choose the best education for their children, including support for Universal School Choice in every State and expansion of 529 Education Savings Accounts and support for homeschooling families equally.
– emphasis on preparing students for great jobs and careers, supporting project-based learning and schools that offer meaningful work experience while exposing politicized education models and funding proven career training programs.
– overhauling standards on school discipline, advocating for immediate suspension of violent students, and support for hardening schools to help keep violence away from places of learning.
– restoring parental rights in education, and enforcing Civil Rights laws to stop schools from discriminating on the basis of race, and trusting in parents.
– rather than critical race theory and gender indoctrination, ensuring that children are taught fundamentals like reading, history, science, and math, rather than leftwing propaganda. It advocates defunding schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using federal taxpayer dollars.
– to promote love of Country through Authentic Civics Education, reinstatement of the the 1776 Commission, promoting fair and patriotic civics education, and vetoing efforts to nationalize Civics Education, including support for schools that teach America’s Founding Principles and Western Civilization.
– championing the First Amendment Right to Pray and Read the Bible in school, and standing up to those who violate the Religious Freedoms of American students.
– in order to return control of education to the states, closing the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. and send it back to the States, to allow the States run our educational system as they deem it should be run. To that end, the party states that the United States spends more money per pupil on Education than any other Country in the World, but is at the bottom of every educational list in terms of results.
– cherishing the nation’s teachers, who are so important to the future wellbeing of the country, so that they can do the job of educating our students that they so dearly want to do, with the goal of bringing education in the United States to the highest level, one that it has never attained before.
The party advocates:
– making colleges and universities sane and affordable, by firing radical left accreditors, driving down tuition costs, restoring due process protections, and pursuing civil rights cases against schools that discriminate.
– overcoming the crisis in liberal arts education, by supporting its proper restoration.
Culture, Arts & Tourism
The party states that it is committed to:
– renewing American civilization with common sense policies that support families, restore law and order, care for veterans, promote beauty, and honor American history
– strengthening the foundations of American society for a brighter future.
The party advocates:
– to empower families, promoting a culture that values the sanctity of marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents, and ending policies that punish families.
– rebuilding cities and restoring law and order, by replenishing police departments, restoring common sense policing, and protecting officers from frivolous lawsuits. It undertakes to stand up to Marxist Prosecutors, vigorously defend the right of every American to live in peace, and to compassionately address homelessness to restore order to the nation’s streets.
– making Washington D.C. the safest and most beautiful capital city by reasserting greater federal control over the city, to restore law and order in our Capital City and ensure federal buildings and monuments are well-maintained.
– taking care of veterans, by ending luxury housing and taxpayer benefits for Illegal immigrants and using those savings to shelter and treat homeless veterans, and restoring the reforms of its prior term in office to to expand veterans’ healthcare choices, protect whistleblowers, and hold accountable poorly performing employees not giving our Veterans the care they deserve.
– making colleges and universities sane and affordable, by firing radical left accreditors, driving down tuition costs, restoring due process protections, and pursuing civil rights cases against schools that discriminate.
– combating anti-Semitism, by revoking visas of foreign nationals who support terrorism and jihadism, and holding accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people.
– overcoming the crisis in liberal arts education, by supporting its proper restoration.
– restoring American beauty in public architecture and preserving national treasures; building cherished symbols and restoring genuine conservation efforts.
– honoring American history, including organizing a national celebration to mark the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of the United States of America.
Points to Ponder: Family, Community & the Common Good
Consider discussing the following questions with your local candidates, elected officials, and the parties, and with your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow parishioners:
Families & Child Well-Being
– When, if ever, is it appropriate for governments to place limits on the right of parents to make decisions pertaining to the care or education of their children?
– To what extent is child poverty a problem in the United States? To the extent that it is a problem, what, should be done about it, and by whom? By federal or state governments, by individuals, or by private, non-profit, or community organizations, including the Church and lay Catholic organizations?
– Some political parties have suggested that full participation by all eligible work force members, including both parents of two-parent couples and single parents, is critical in order to maximize return from the national economy, so that economic well-being can be optimized, and that in order to maximize those returns and ensure full economic participation, it is critical to ensure that affordable child care is accessible by all families. Which is more important for children, a stable and dignified home with two loving parents, or maximized national economic returns?
Health Care
– What can or should be done, by federal or state governments or by private, non-profit, or community organizations, including the Church and lay Catholic organizations, to ensure that quality health care is available in timely, humane, and cost-efficient manner to all who need it?
– With respect to Medicaid and other forms of publicly-supported health care, does there exist any obligation for an individual to take reasonable measures to avoid health issues (e.g., wearing a mask in a pandemic, when recommended by public health authorities), so as to avoid becoming a publicly-funded health care burden when preventable illness or injury occurs? If so, what can or should be done to encourage such measures?
Care for the Elderly
– Some parties are calling for increased space in publicly-funded facilities for the elderly and long-term care patients. Should any other solutions, such as nurturing a culture of life-long intergenerational family cohesiveness and support, including home caregivers, be considered also, in addition or as alternatives to long-term residential care?
– Who should be responsible for long-term support for the elderly? Themselves? Their families? The federal or state governments? Charitable institutions? Some combination of these? To what extent?
– It has been suggested that too many Americans fail to understand democratic principles, such as the responsibilities of federal, state, and local governments, and the proper roles of non-governmental institutions such as charities, schools, businesses, news media, and moral and religious organizations. What, if anything, can or should the federal government do in order to promote a more comprehensive understanding of civics in the United States?