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  • Catholic School Trustee Workshops


French: Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 9AM

English: Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 9AM

Workshop Poster

Catholic School Trustees Workshop


October’s Ontario municipal elections will include the election of trustees for the province’s publicly-funded Catholic school boards.  Trustees play a critical role in setting the tone and content used by schools in passing the faith to our children, and through them to future generations.  This one-day online workshop will provide both incumbents and new trustee candidates with information on how to approach the election process, and what to expect not only during the election but in future years of service – as well as opportunities to come to know and network with others seeking office. 

Topics will include an exploration of Catholic thought as it relates to education, communications skills, collaboration with fellow trustees even amid disagreement, the lived experiences of trustees, an exploration of the trustee vocation, a Catholic vision for the well-being and human flourishing of every student, and understanding the importance of publicly funded Catholic education. Participants will emerge from the program with the information they need to run for office, succeed, and serve our children, families, teachers, and administrators with charity and truth.

Presented in partnership with the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association, l’Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques, and the Saint Monica Institute for Education and Evangelization.


  • Catholics who have never considered running to be a trustee, but would like to learn more and explore this vocation;
  • Catholics who have decided to put their name forward, and seek training to run and serve effectively; and,
  • Incumbent trustees who want to deepen their understand of their vocations.

Details on registering for the French-language session can be found at bit-ly/façonner-avenir.
Details on registering for the English-language session can be found below.

Christians must be conscious of their specific and proper role in the political community; they should be a shining example by their sense of responsibility and their dedication to the common good; they should show in practice how authority can be reconciled with freedom, personal initiative with solidarity and the needs of the social framework as a whole, and the advantages of unity with the benefits of diversity.

Gaudium et Spes
(“The Church in the Modern World”)
Vatican II, 1965, #75.

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