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  • 2024 Nova Scotia Provincial Election

    Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Home Canada Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Provincial Election 2024

Read.  Pray.  Vote!   Nova Scotia Provincial Election

Veuillez noter: nous travaillons à terminer la traduction de cette page et des ressources associées en français, et les publierons dès que possible. Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. En attendant, veuillez essayer le bouton de traduction en haut de la page (le petit drapeau français). Veuillez pardonner tout inconvénient.

This month’s election will offer Nova Scotia voters an opportunity to ensure that the province is guided by leaders who will provide practical and efficient leadership with the good of all in mind – including the unborn, the elderly, the young, families, and those who are too often forgotten by society – as well as workers, farmers, business owners, veterans, public servants, and all future generations.

Catholics are called to participate, in accordance with the full measure of talents entrusted to us by God, each of us in accordance with our own well-formed conscience. At a minimum, this means voting prayerfully and wisely after having considered all relevant issues, the positions of each of the candidates and parties, and relevant Church teachings. Many of us are called to even deeper involvement: volunteering at polling stations and other efforts to get out the vote; engaging personally with candidates and party officials; helping to spread good ideas and encourage others to vote properly; or in some cases volunteering to assist candidates or parties – or even putting ourselves forward as candidates.

This page will guide you toward resources and starting points to assist you in these efforts, whether you are Catholic or simply a good person interested in a better world.

NOTE:  We have updated the materials below to November 18, 2024.  We believe these to be the last updates intended by the parties.  We will continue to watch, however.  Please watch closely as election day approaches, and check the parties’ official pages.


The Catholic voting process always involves informing ourselves and praying for guidance. Using the process and the resources outlined here, we can prepare ourselves to vote with confidence – even when no clear choice is offered.

We start with education in prayerful approaches to voting, and in Catholic teachings relevant to good governance.


Discerning your vote – downloads

Having begun with prayer, we consider the positions of the parties.  Our platform and policy comparisons set each party’s complete platform, stated in the party’s own words, side-by-side with each of the other parties’ platforms and with Catholic social teaching.

Whether you are Catholic or simply a good person interested in a better world, prayerful comparison of party positions across the full range of social issues can assist you in discerning the wiser, more fully-informed vote God wants from you: a vote directed toward the true common good of all.


Our comparisons are based on official publications of the registered parties, provincial budgets and auditors’ reports, and any communications provided by the parties directly to Catholic Conscience, as of November 18, 2024. We will update these materials as best we can as the elections approach. Voters are in all case encouraged to review the websites, platforms, and other materials published by the parties, and to speak directly to the parties and their candidates. Parties having question or suggestions for the improvement of these comparisons are invited to contact us at

To browse the full comparison, simply scroll down the page.  

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Voter comme une catholique (NS24 fr)

Un guide de référence pratique pour comparer nos plateformes et les processus de vote catholiques. Sous forme de feuillet simple au format PDF recto-verso, il est idéal pour la distribution par groupes et paroisses, ainsi que pour une référence rapide par ceux qui examinent nos documents comparatifs détaillés ci-dessous.


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Voting Like a Catholic (NS 2024)

A handy reference guide to our platform comparisons and Catholic voting processes. As a front-and-back single sheet .pdf, it is good for distribution by groups and parishes, as well as quick reference by those reviewing our detailed issue comparison documents below.


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2024 NS Comparaison des platformes provinciales (francais)

Le contenu est identique à celui des comparaisons interactives ci-dessous, ce qui permet de s’y référer hors ligne et ultérieurement.


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2024 NS Provincial Platform Comparison

Identical in content to the interactive comparisons below, good for off-line and future reference.


DIscerning your vote – browse platform & policy comparisons

Browse Party Platform Comparisons

Life | The Environment | Family & Community | The Economy | Rights & Responsibilities | Solidarity | Government

The Sanctity of Human Life: from Conception to Natural Death

Abortion, Euthanasia & Alternatives │ Human Engineering │ Population Control

Stewardship of Creation

Climate Change │ Species, Diversity & Wildlife │ Energy & Resources │ Conservation & Sustainable Development

Family, Community & the Common Good

Role of the Family │ Healthcare │ Education & Young Workers │ Culture Arts & Tourism

An Economy at the Service of All People

The Dignity of Work │ Poverty Reduction │ Labour, Unions, Employment | Industries & Corporations

The Individual & Society: Rights, Responsibility, & Subsidiarity

Civil Liberties │ Human Rights │ Responsibilities: Participation & Subsidiarity


Supporting the Marginalized │ Indigenous Peoples │ Rural Communities │ Refugees & Newcomers

Good Government: Democracy, Justice, & Peace

Role & Purpose of Government │ Stewardship & Reform │ Provinces, Territories, Municipalities │ International Relations & Defense │ Public Safety

Information on this page was last updated 1 November 2024.

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